Sunday, February 8, 2009

For Your Own Survival, You Must Become a "Sovereign Individual" Instead of a Typical Employee

Don't Stake Your Survival on Pres. Obama

Don't stake your (and your loved ones') survival on anything that Pres. Obama might do. First of all, there's no way of knowing whether or not his economic proposals will actually work. Second, there are MANY other parties that don't want any of his proposals to succeed. Including many individuals that are nominally on his "side."

Pres. Obama Does NOT Have His Own Posse. Nobody is Watching His Back. This Means That Anything He Does WILL Be Sabotaged. From the Inside-Out.

I can see that the masses of our people will be devastated (in many different ways) when various factions from within as well as outside the Democratic Party finally pull down the Obama-ssiah.

It doesn't matter how much Pres. Obama tries to appease these factions. The problem is that these various factions cannot be appeased. This is because they don't want to be appeased. What they want is to make sure that whatever efforts the Obama-ssiah makes fail, and he gets ALL of the blame, while they position themselves to reign. . . err, rule. . . err, govern. . . once he's been politically destroyed.

This illustrates another problem with most Black folks' concept of politics. We don't understand that the "ruler" is only as strong as his infrastructure (aka "posse"). In Chicago terms, his political "machine." Does Pres. Obama actually have a loyal, faithful, strong posse of his own? Or is he somebody who was loaned the use of other people's posses? We know the answer to this.

It looks like he didn't understand that these various "retainers" are only loyal to the people who actually own and created them. They are loyal to the individuals who loaned them to him. NOT to him. He didn't create any of these people. This is one of the unspoken consequences of Pres. Obama being a crossover candidate who did not come from any sort of organized Black movement or infrastructure.

Black voters simply hopped on the Obama-ssiah bandwagon after they saw that Whites in Iowa were willing to vote for him. Pres. Obama did not come from us. Not that our infrastructure or organizations are particularly solid, but Pres. Obama has NOTHING but thin air under his feet.

Pres. Obama's recent blindsided stumbles with several cabinet nominees should be a signal to you. The manner in which all of that went down made it quite apparent to me that he doesn't have anybody who is actually watching his back. He doesn't even have an old-school, Chicago political "machine" to watch his back. That's his own fault for being naive.

Machiavelli warned about the dangers of a prince being dependent upon mercenaries. Especially foreign ones. They have a nasty habit of abruptly abandoning the prince (at the worst possible moment) in favor of the highest bidder, and/or their previous employers.

For the love of God, don't rely on this one (naive) man for your survival.

The "Factory Age" of Rising Income Equality is OVER

From a 1997 book, The Sovereign Individual, by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg:

"[Otto Ammon, a 19th century German economist] believed that high abilities naturally result in people rising in income and social position. . . . He also believed that the 'true form of the so-called social pyramid is that of a somewhat flat onion or turnip.' . . . Modern industrial societies are indeed all turnips, with a small wealthy and upper-professional class at the top, a larger middle class, and a minority poor at the bottom. Relative to the middle, both the extremes are small.

. . . All of this is intriguing, but the immediate interest of Ammon's work lies in the major long-term shift we are experiencing in the relations, financial and political, between the top and the middle. . . . Most people could master the skills required for operating the machines of the mid-twentieth century, but those jobs have now been replaced by smart machines which, in effect, control themselves. A whole arena of low- and middle-skill employment has already disappeared. If we are correct, this is a prelude to the disappearance of most employment and the reconfiguration of work in the spot market. " pgs. 212-213.

"Societies that have been indoctrinated to expect income equality and high levels of consumption for persons of low or modest skills will face demotivation and insecurity. As the economies of more countries more deeply assimilate information technology, they will see the emergence---so evident already in North America---of a more or less unemployable underclass. [Khadija interrupting the quote here: Guess who this is? You get one guess.] This is exactly what is happening. This will lead to a reaction with a nationalist, antitechnology bias, as we detail in the next chapter.

The Factory Age may prove to have been a unique period in which semistupid machines left a highly profitable niche for unskilled people. Now that the machines can look after themselves, the Information Age is pouring its gifts onto the top 5 percent of Otto Ammon's turnip." pg.214 [emphasis added].

No More "Good Jobs"

". . . The model business organization of the new information economy may be a movie production company. Such enterprises can be very sophisticated, with budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars. While they are large operations, they are also temporary in nature. . . While the people who work on the production are very talented, they have no expectation that finding work on the project is equivalent to having a 'permanent job.'" The Sovereign Individual, pg. 237.

Also, read the following blog post about how, in a connected world where "productivity is portable," the artificial differences in salaries between workers in different countries are evaporating. Please note the linked CNN story about how IBM offered its laid-off employees the "opportunity" of moving to India, Russia, and Nigeria and working at LOCAL salaries in order to keep their jobs.

My God.

Do you want to have your salary "normalized" with that of a similarly-educated worker in China? I didn't think so. Well, that's what's heading your way unless you make yourself as "sovereign" as possible. This means as independent as possible from your employer. This means having multiple income streams.

People, Get Ready.


  1. Sobering, as usual. But necessary.

  2. Thanks Khadijah. Scary times are ahead for all of us. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Another fantastic post Khadija!

    Obama's accomplishments and his ability to maneuver the Chicago political machine is impressive. However I was never under any delusion about his ability to create "change" whatever that's supposed to mean. The fact that Black people are putting all their hopes and dreams into one man is rather sad and disturbing. Politically I don’t agree with Obama. I’m a fiscal conservative and all this spending and unnecessary taxes make my skin itch. Furthermore based on what I’ve observed so far, Obama is slowly trying to turn America into a Socialist country.

    Call me selfish I’m opposed to any form of government interference in the private sector, which includes Healthcare. No one is entitled to healthcare. The problem with many Americans, especially Black Americans, is that they have entitlement issues. Back in the day when you weren’t able to afford an item, you simply saved for it or didn’t purchase it. The cost of an individual’s health should not be the responsibility of tax payers but the individual. Americans need to take responsibility for their own actions and do a better job in managing their finances. If that means working two or three jobs to have a decent life then so be it. However no one wants to work hard or smart these days. We live in a society where hard work and critical thinking is ignored. Everyone wants instant gratification.

    Obama’ stimulus plan is going to cause our country to go into a deeper recession and possibly a depression. The plan doesn’t address housing nor will it encourage individuals to pour money into the economy. In fact many people will start holding back on spending as a result what is going on. Obama is just a man and his unsophisticated constituents fail to realize that he is also a politician. Obama will appease the individuals who hold the real power and contributed significant funds to his campaign. Sadly if Obama doesn’t come through on his promises and/or if the economy continues to take a nose drive, the blame will fall on his shoulders. In my opinion he made a bad political move by appointing ex-Clinton associates to powerful positions. He’s setting himself up to get played by Hilary when it comes time for re-election.

    Economy is having a negative impact on millions of people but those who are smart are taking advantage of the current climate. Personally I see the recession as an opportunity for investment, purchasing property, and getting involved in more entrepreneurial projects. Bottom line, if you want to go through this economy relatively unscathed, you have to plan, be fiscally responsible, and don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Obama can’t save you.

  4. Greetings, ForeverLoyal!

    Black folks need to loosen their lips from the Obama-ssiah emotional-crack-pipe and sober up. Quickly.

    Greetings, Mekare!

    You're welcome! People, get ready!


    Greetings, Muse!

    Thank you for your kind words about the post. I truly appreciate it.

    The Obama-ssiah NEVER outmaneuvered the Chicago Democratic machine. When he went against entrenched politicians like Bobby Rush, he LOST. He slipped into the Senate against a White Republican candidate who self-destructed with a sex scandal. This "beat the machine" stuff is another bit of public relations myth-making fluff.

    You said, "The fact that Black people are putting all their hopes and dreams into one man is rather sad and disturbing."

    Yes, it is. The anxiety I felt about this is what prompted me to start this blog. So that my conscience would be clear that I did my best to warn as many Black folks as possible.

    You said, "Furthermore based on what I’ve observed so far, Obama is slowly trying to turn America into a Socialist country."

    I beg to differ. It seems that many fiscal conservatives only hurl the socialist term when it looks like government money might go to anybody other than big business. The basic formula of how this seems to work is "The benefits of socialism for big business, and the perils of capitalism for the 'little people.'"

    You said, "Call me selfish I’m opposed to any form of government interference in the private sector, which includes Healthcare. No one is entitled to healthcare."

    My issue with this is that "Big Health" has been allowed to systematically gouge the American consumer. "Big Health" has artificially inflated the prices of medicine for decades. They have inflated the prices of medical procedures for decades.

    I understand that there are costs involved in medical research, but that's not what's been going on with medicine for quite some time. The protests by gay activists from ACT-UP in the 1980s opened my eyes to some of the skulduggery associated with medical trials and pharmaceutical companies.

    If "Big Health" had prices that reflected reality as opposed to simply their greed, then I wouldn't have a problem with forcing consumers to be on their own.

    To simply force consumers to be on their own under current conditions means approving large numbers of preventable deaths. Just like in some 3rd world countries. I'm not at that point.

    You said, "The problem with many Americans, especially Black Americans, is that they have entitlement issues. Back in the day when you weren’t able to afford an item, you simply saved for it or didn’t purchase it."

    Very true. I never understood the point of layaway, OR of running up huge credit charges every month. I was shocked to discover that this is how many (most?) Black folks mismanage their money. I was NOT raised like that.

    You said, "The cost of an individual’s health should not be the responsibility of tax payers but the individual. Americans need to take responsibility for their own actions and do a better job in managing their finances."

    I disagree for the reasons I mentioned about about the health care price-gouging. However, I DO believe that people need to assume more responsibility for their health across the board.

    Quiet as I've been about this angle, this is part of the reason why I've been stressing nutrition, fitness, and cleansing one's thinking of counterproductive thought patterns.

    Soon, most of us WON'T be able to afford to get sick. At all. And there won't be as much therapy or counseling available in the future. What few affordable physical health and mental health resources that are available will be going away soon. Just like all the businesses that have folded.

    This is just one reason why everybody needs to get themselves as healthy as possible as soon as possible.

    You said, "Obama’ stimulus plan is going to cause our country to go into a deeper recession and possibly a depression."

    I don't have a background in economics, so I can't speak to that. I will just say that, from my perspective, it almost doesn't matter what the true effect of his plans would have been.

    This is because whatever he's doing WILL be sabotaged. From the outside and the inside. [For the reasons I've stated in the post.] So, I figure we'll never know whether it would have worked or not.

    You said, "Obama is just a man and his unsophisticated constituents fail to realize that he is also a politician."


    You said, "Sadly if Obama doesn’t come through on his promises and/or if the economy continues to take a nose drive, the blame will fall on his shoulders. In my opinion he made a bad political move by appointing ex-Clinton associates to powerful positions. He’s setting himself up to get played by Hilary when it comes time for re-election."

    Exactly. Hilary is the primary other "prince" who is indirectly controlling Obama's principality and fate by virtue of him [foolishly] borrowing so many of her troops. There are other, less prominent, "princes" that Obama has borrowed troops from. The main point is that he doesn't have any troops of his own!

    You said, "Personally I see the recession as an opportunity for investment, purchasing property, and getting involved in more entrepreneurial projects."

    Exactly! People will ALWAYS need food, clothing, shelter, transportation (and, to a lesser extent, one might add entertainment). Anyone who positions themselves to provide these basic needs CAN and WILL make money no matter what's happening with the economy.

    You said, "Bottom line, if you want to go through this economy relatively unscathed, you have to plan, be fiscally responsible, and don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Obama can’t save you."

    Exactly. People, get ready!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  5. Khadija,

    I love a good debate : )

    Excuse any typos. I’m trying to write this down fast LOL.

    You said:

    The Obama-ssiah NEVER outmaneuvered the Chicago Democratic machine. When he went against entrenched politicians like Bobby Rush, he LOST. He slipped into the Senate against a White Republican candidate who self-destructed with a sex scandal. This "beat the machine" stuff is another bit of public relations myth-making fluff.

    My response: Touché, I’m not familiar with Chicago politics besides the fact that it’s corrupted. I figured if Obama was able to rise to a position of influence in Chicago politics he must know “something” or “somebody” even if his success in acquiring the Senate seat was by accident.

    You said:
    I beg to differ. It seems that many fiscal conservatives only hurl the socialist term when it looks like government money might go to anybody other than big business. The basic formula of how this seems to work is "The benefits of socialism for big business, and the perils of capitalism for the 'little people.'"

    My response: Khadija, think about this, we already had one big bail out that was supposed to ease the credit crisis, ie make the banks lend money again. That didn’t work Some Americans already received stimulus checks from the government and that didn’t work to stimulate the economy either. It’s insane to think that more of the same government spending will somehow miraculously correct or stimulate the economy. Look at it this way, if a doctor has a patient bleeding from an artery, the first order of business is to staunch the bleeding, not to hook the patient up to multiple blood transfusions in hopes that the artery will heal itself. Until the root of the problem is addressed and correct, little to nothing will change. The source is too much government spending in the first place, the Fed’s policy of easy credit (debt), and bad government regulations that fail to note the unintended consequences of these regulations.

    Here are my suggestions on how to correct the economy:

    1.No more bail outs or stimulus packages
    2.Massive cuts in govt. spending
    3.Across the board tax cuts
    4.Get the govt out of the weay of innovative Americans (revisit bad regulations, ease regulations)
    5.return to sound money rather than monetary system based on debt

    You said:
    My issue with this is that "Big Health" has been allowed to systematically gouge the American consumer. "Big Health" has artificially inflated the prices of medicine for decades. They have inflated the prices of medical procedures for decades.

    I understand that there are costs involved in medical research, but that's not what's been going on with medicine for quite some time. The protests by gay activists from ACT-UP in the 1980s opened my eyes to some of the skulduggery associated with medical trials and pharmaceutical companies.

    If "Big Health" had prices that reflected reality as opposed to simply their greed, then I wouldn't have a problem with forcing consumers to be on their own.

    To simply force consumers to be on their own under current conditions means approving large numbers of preventable deaths. Just like in some 3rd world countries. I'm not at that point.

    My response: One of the major reasons why healthcare is so expensive is because one Americans aren’t taking care of themselves. Many of the illnesses and diseases that kill millions of Americans every year and run up the cost of healtcare are preventable. The reason socialized medicine works in Europe is because overall Europeans take much better care of themselves and the cost of healthcare isn’t as expensive. They take more preventable measures to encourage people to eat better.

    I agree that there should be some regulation on the price of healthcare but also we need to address why healthcare is so expensive and partially it’s because overall Americans are unhealthy and as a result of litigation which brings the cost of insurance up. Healthcare isn’t expensive as a result of research. Research projects often get funded by private investors, pharmcutical companies, and universities.

    Furthermore tax payers are paying for the health expenses for the poor and illegal immigrants who often don’t have health insurance so they utilize emergencies rooms for a simple cold. ERs must treat these people regardless of their citizen status which cost time, money and resources.

    You said:

    Very true. I never understood the point of layaway, OR of running up huge credit charges every month. I was shocked to discover that this is how many (most?) Black folks mismanage their money. I was NOT raised like that.

    My repsonse: I would rather have someone use layaway than run up credit card debt. At least with layaway you make payments for your product and you don’t’ receive it until you have finish making patients. But I’m old school. If you can’t afford pay for the item in full then you shouldn’t pay it. People would save themselves anxiety and thousands of dollars in interests if they adhere to those basic principles.

    You said:

    I don't have a background in economics, so I can't speak to that. I will just say that, from my perspective, it almost doesn't matter what the true effect of his plans would have been.

    This is because whatever he's doing WILL be sabotaged. From the outside and the inside. [For the reasons I've stated in the post.] So, I figure we'll never know whether it would have worked or not.

    My response: No worries. You have a good enough understanding to articulate your points and share your opinion about what is going on and make a sound judgement about the current economy climate. The economy goes in cycle. There are ups and downs but if history is right, the economy will eventually correct itself no matter what. More Government bandaids will only prolong the recession.

    I’ve always considered myself a free market type and believe that govt should only adress areas where private ownership makes no nose (infrastructure , defense, etc)

    Much love and takes for the great topic!

  6. Hello there, Muse!

    I love a good debate/discussion as well. Thank you for providing such substantive comments to ponder! You've significantly raised the level of this conversation. THANK YOU. I'll have to take some time to consider your latest comment.

    In the meantime, let me say this: Yes, the markets have corrected themselves over time in the past. But it seems to me that at least one critical ingredient to all of this is different this time: peak oil, and the resulting end of cheap oil.

    The industrialized world's economies only functioned the way they did for the past century or so because of the availability of cheap oil.

    Not to mention the ecological damage that has been done that has affected the weather cycles---which affects food production across the planet.

    I have the sinking feeling that things are different this time around. And not in a good way. I hope I'm wrong.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.


Thanks for stopping by! {excited waving}

Please understand that this is not a free speech zone. Profanity and hate speech are not welcome and will not be posted. This blog seeks to foster a courteous, reasoned exchange of ideas. I would ask that before posting, everyone (myself included) seriously consider whether the proposed comment helps or hurts the cause of opposing the ruinous traits listed on the masthead.

Please feel free to add your input to any post at any time. There's no "expiration date" for the issues that are discussed here. I welcome, value, and learn from your contribution! Thank you in advance for your cooperation and your input.