Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Never-Known or Mostly-Forgotten News Stories That Explain Why Introspection And Activism Matter

While we're digesting the recent Table Talk for Activists discussions, I feel that it would be good to keep all of this in what I believe is its proper context.

In addition to the Dunbar Village Atrocity, there were two (mostly never-known or mostly forgotten by those who knew) news stories that propelled me out of my earlier sense of semi-complacency about the condition of the African-American collective. In its own way, each incident speaks to the near-total reign of barbarism in the former Black community. Each incident speaks to the Rwanda/Congo-type conditions that are right around the corner. Each incident speaks to what is at stake with our online work. In places like Dunbar Village, Rwanda has already arrived.

Darius Miller

Our (mis)leaders, who are so concerned about accused Black male criminals, don't seem to know or care about Darius Miller. I find it interesting to note that the Black women in Atlanta who responded so enthusiastically to the violence-prone buffoons of the Jena 6, haven't said a peep about a Black man who was beaten into a coma for defending Black women from DBRBM.

I haven't forgotten about Mr. Miller.

Shontae Blanche

While the Internet Ike Turners and Ikettes are angrily denying the need for Black women to expand their marriage horizons, there are Black women literally dying over a perceived shortage of potential mates. These women believe that there is a "man shortage" because the only men they are considering are Black men. There are plenty of loving and lovable men other than the dwindling number of eligible Black men.

The idea of a crowd of grown, African-American women fighting to the death over the affections of a Negro criminal is horrible enough. The background details of the victim's life were also disturbing (from the Los Angeles Times story above):

The mourners said it was unlike the 22-year-old to be involved in a violent dispute.

"If she would've had any idea what she was getting into, she wouldn't have come," said Brenda Rowry, Blanche's aunt.

At her childhood home in a neighborhood about three miles northwest of the fatal confrontation, Blanche's grandmother and cousin remembered her as a popular girl and bank worker who was determined to avoid trouble.

"She would tell me, 'I'm not going to be like my mom,' " said Helen Hayes, 60, who raised her granddaughter. According to Hayes, both of Blanche's parents had been in and out of prison since Blanche was a young child.

Blanche, who was five months' pregnant and married to a man in prison, was looking forward to a future as a mother and to graduating from Cal State Northridge.

She hoped to become a parole officer and was 13 classes away from that goal, said a cousin, Argentine Hayes, 21.

Generations of dysfunction that has become normalized. And it's spreading. Next stop, Rwanda.


  1. Wow. I bet we could find hundreds of stories like these which just makes me sad...and mad. I couldn't help but think about the Franklin woman having trouble follow her wherever she goes but the injury happening to others and never to her.

  2. Hello there, Faith!

    You said, "Wow. I bet we could find hundreds of stories like these which just makes me sad...and mad."

    You hit it right on the head. What's so grotesque about all of this is that these atrocities have become mundane.

    Nobody reacts except those personally touched by the incident. Each new outrage is just "another shrimp on the barbie," and passes by without comment or remembrance. Our mass acceptance of all of this is what convinced me that the Black collective has become evil.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  3. "Generations of dysfunction that has become normalized. And it's spreading. Next stop, Rwanda."

    There's a TON of this insanity breaking out all over this country. And it's been going on for decades.

    An unbelievably sick situation is in the courts right now in Columbus OH.

    Another DBRBM MONSTER (surprise surprise) is accused of killing his own twin brother (a normal, decent and undamaged young BM).

    And now the monsters mother is actually defending him.SMH

    Pure generational SICKNESS.

    ANY BW with a working brain unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of such God forsaken individuals - even if family - needs to RUN with the clothes on their backs AWAY from these mindless immoral soulless beings.

    LEAVE these predominantly/all black ANTI-communities as soon as they can.

    Now are ALL black interactions these days dysfunctional? Of course not. BUT, pathologies like the obscenely high rates of murder, rape, molestation, misogyny, and OOW births in the black "community" do prove that there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the collective.

    Sistas need to keep those connections with the normal, moral, and high-functioning black folks they personal know, and keep those relationships strong.

    Because it certainly seems as if our segment is diminishing.

    We need each other. Just like we need good, loving, normal, responsible and dependable people in our lives - men and women - regardless of "race".

    The MORE wonderful people from the GLOBAL village we have in OUR camp, on OUR side, who love us and are willing to do what ever is necessary to protect us and our children, the BETTER.

    I have my support system and I'm benefiting (as are my children) every day because of it. EVERY women of color needs to do the same.

    Get theirs.

    As for these INSANE DAMNED DBR's of both genders?

    IMO they don't need to be "saved", rehabilitated, pitied, rallied around, etc...

    They need to be written off and forgotten.

    Besides, we all know it's just BW who are expected to do all of this thankless, unpaid, unappreciated grunt work to "save the race"/"our people"/"the community".

    THAT ideology in itself is INSANE. And any "community" cruel enough to cook up such a ridiculous "plan"/idea that lies 100% on BW's shoulders is almost deserving of biting the dust.

    The point is, DBR's regardless of gender or "race" are POISONOUS and dangerous and will eventually harm (and possibly kill) those in their vicinity.

    Therefor they must be avoided at ALL cost. It's a matter of life and death.

    Women of African decent - regardless of the percentage - need to individually REMOVE THEMSELVES from "the collective" and ONLY MARRY and have children with the VERY BEST non damaged men they can find.

    Especially these days because things are only going to get uglier out there with this economic crisis we're in.

    The savagery amongst already damaged blacks is only going to grow as they see more and more black women jumping ship. Both in real life and in the media.

    IT'S BEST FOR BW TO GET OUT NOW or if they can't, start developing a sensible PLAN (getting an education/trade, financially and physically divesting from losing propositions, etc...) to do so in the NEAR FUTURE.

    It cannot be stated enough that there are PLENTY of WONDERFUL, normal, loving, successful, and family oriented, men in the GLOBAL village OUTSIDE of the black anti-communities, that are just waiting for women of African decent (AA/Biracial/African/Afro-Latino, etc...) to give them the GREEN LIGHT.

  4. Had the EXACT same thing happened, but the perpretators of the heinous crime that left Darius Miller in what is probably a permanent vegetative state (should he even wake up), were white, our (mis)leaders(as you say, Khadija) would have been all over this. But no, as the culprits are bm, to them, it is just another case of putting a 'good brotha' down. Forget that the main victim of this crime is a black man himself! It makes me sick.

    As for the second story, I am averse to having much sympathy for women who hook up with criminals. They say she wasn't a gangbanger, yet she was five months pregnant for a man who was behind bars. They say she didn't carry guns, knives or razors(as far as I know, it is a NORMAL thing to NOT carry weapons wherever one goes) and was peace-loving, but I'm trying to understand what she was doing there in the first place. I'm trying to not sound harsh, but anyone who hooks up with these types of criminal is a loser! Frankly, I'd rather spend my time trying to save the women who innocently got caught up in the cross fire, as opposed to those who knowingly walked in, thinking that 'as far as he loves me, I don't care about who else he hurts', then act surprised when they get caught in the middle. This is a perfect example of lying down with flies, and smelling like poo(okay, that's not the right saying, but y'all get my drift).

    1. Fella is a criminal.
    2. Hooked up with fella.
    3. Got knocked up by criminal.
    4. Went to 'gathering' to talk about/with criminals other women.

    See a pattern.

    Okay, my sis just told me that she thinks the link posted might have miscontrued some facts, as the girl WAS ACTUALLY JUST AN INNOCENT BYSTANDER who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. If that is the case, then obviously, I take back some of the things I posted earlier in this comment. If not.....well.

  5. "As for these INSANE DAMNED DBR's of both genders?

    IMO they don't need to be "saved", rehabilitated, pitied, rallied around, etc...

    They need to be written off and forgotten."

    This is a fact that is usually glossed over. 'Saving' is not for everyone. Some people need to be left to perish. I refuse to put myself in risk's way for someone who REFUSES to see the light!

    Others mighg want to be saved, but are waiting for other to come and save them. They want others to use their own resources to save them and are not willing to do it themselves. I have little time for these types as well!

  6. Faith said:
    ''I couldn't help but think about the Franklin woman having trouble follow her wherever she goes but the injury happening to others and never to her.''

    I said:
    This is what angeres me the most. The people who constantly cause or are responsible for the trouble are NEVER the ones who get hurt. It is MOST OFTEN THAN NOT the INNOCENT BYSTANDERS who get caught in the middle who end up suffering for it.

    Whether it is the people who choose to own and keep dangerous/wild animals as 'pets', people who engage in these degenerate behaviours (e.g. gangland shootings), people who choose to aid/abet/help/cover up for these criminals and degenerates etc, they are HARDLY EVER the ones who get hurt.

    If you notice, it is usually the children, neighbours, friends etc of people who own these animals as pets who get harmed. The ACTUAL owners are never the ones who get torn/ripped apart, bitten or mauled.

    In these gangland shootings, the pathetic gangsters that get shot and killed made the CHOICE to go and engage in gun fights and usually, they menatlly prepare themselves for the possibility that they might die. That is why some of them could have bullets flying all over their heads and would still be willing to engage in these gun battles. On the other hand, the people who live around theses areas have NO CHOICE WHATSOEVER whether or not these gun battles should take place in or around their place of residence. It is these people who get hit by stray bullets. It is the children of these gangbangers that get killed. It is the women (sometimes foolish themselves) who bed/sleep with/are partnered with these men that get killed/gunned down in rival/revenge shootings. The ACTUAL gangbangers are left to live to 'suffer' the pain of the loss of a loved one (yeah right) or are caught and thrown in prison. It is the gangbangers who would have several bullets pumped in them but would survive because none hit any important organ but it is the innocent bystander who would get killed or maimed by just ONE bullet because it hit their heart/brain/spinal chord etc.

    Also, if you notice, it is never the useless mothers that know what their gangbanger/career criminal son does and actively covers up for him that ever gets hurt. It is ususally the son or daughter who was trying to turn their life around and 'not end up like momma or big bro' that gets killed. It is not the serial babymommas who are willing to hide durgs in their inner parts or on their babies (yes this happens) or those willing to be the 'eyes and ears' of these gangbangers when they are in prison that ever get hurt. It is usually the 'friend' of these women who were trying to protect these women's children from these environments that gets killed in the drive-by shooting.

    So this should ring loud to ALL the black women who want to remain in these black enclaves beleiving that as long as they personally don't get involved in anything shady, then it means that they and their loved ones are safe. WRONG! GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

    Apologies for the long post. I am just SO FURIOUS after reading about the INNOCENT black man and black woman (in the two links you posted) who were badly hurt or killed beacsue of the degenrate acts of others.

  7. Khadija,

    I just want to say that I am a very light-hearted, and positive person by nature. Anyone who knows me will vouch for that.

    I love peace, tranquility, and people getting along.

    Offline I rarely even discuss the subject matter highlighted at these various blogs/sites.

    Because I can't personally relate to any of it. I have a wonderful comfortable life away from this madness discussed on these blogs/sites. Sure, I have a few dateless beautiful professional BW friends over 35 who would love to be happily married with kids right now, but that's as far as it goes.

    It's just that this current topic of yours, makes me think of all of the news stories - horror stories really - that go in one ear and out the other when it comes to the general public.

    MOST BW simply can't afford to have a similar attitude regarding this madness.

    Because it's directly effecting a larger percentage of them and their innocent children.

    Like this God awful horror story also from OH...

    The MONSTER responsible...

    Again, the only reason why I even do this (make comments, send empowering pics and links, etc...) when I don't have to is to try to wake up as many sistas as I can.

    We ALL must continue to do our part to help connect the dots in these BW's minds. I think it's the least we can do.

    They DON'T have to be living these kinds of lives that resemble death more than life.

    And they need to STOP willingly exposing their poor innocent children to these MONSTERS.

    If they're pitiful enough to get involved with an animal that's one thing - and sorry enough - but they have NO RIGHT to put their innocent children in harms way.

  8. Greetings, Khadija!

    I am horrified at these news items!! Beyond horrified....

    Thanks for sounding the loud trumpet!

    I have always felt that intense introspection accompanied by urgent action is our best recourse right now.

    @ Felicia

    You are exactly right!

    I am happy to hear you mentioning that plenty of non-black men are interested in quality black women.

    It is so sad that I keep encountering these defeatist mentalities from black women who will say, "men of other races don't look at us!"

    That is not true.

    Other women will say "men of other races only want us for sex!" and I just shake my head. If you objectify yourself and fetishize yourself in your clothing choices then the likelihood of men dealing with you as a sex object or choosing you for sex will increase.

    In general, a man of high caliber wants a woman of high caliber with sound values.

    As for the argument that most white men marry white's true...but most people marry within their own race! That's expected.

    Still, there are plenty of high caliber, degreed white men out there (and they do NOT have any illegitimate babies by jump offs)!

    If we look at the raw numbers... the 6-8% of white men who marry black women still represents a LARGER number than all of the eligible black men!

    I estimate that the pool of eligible black men in this country is about 2% of the population while black women are about 9% of the population.

    Being open to partnering with high-caliber non-black men is highly beneficial. I meet tons of single men at the opera, at the art galleries, at political events, at university lectures, and at book signings and readings.

    I will sometimes go to a book signing of an author that I am not particularly fond of because I know that type of author will attract a certain caliber of reader. You have to broaden your options by doing new things.

    Even if you don't ski, join a ski club! Even if you don't know about boats, join a boating club and learn!

    Years ago, I joined a private yacht club and you would not believe how many quality white boys were in that joint!

    Quality men of other cultures are usually members of those types of clubs.

    I hear sistas in church saying that they never meet anybody...and week to week, they never go anywhere! *LOL*

    They go to work, go home and to to the grocery store and to church.

    What is their strategy to meet new people?

    Please know that I don't endorse the "hunt for a man" tactics...

    I am just saying that sistas need to be in different settings and look fabulous and polished and just be open to opportunities to meet quality people.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  9. HOT DAYUM!(excuse my language)

    There is an excellent MUST read new essay over on Evia's site.

    Talking about breaking it DOWN. There is some priceless information over there.

    Just a heads up ya'll and I wish everyone a wonderful upcoming weekend (and for the students Spring break) in advance.

    The truth truly sets one free but only IF you let it.

  10. Hello there, Felicia!

    You said, "predominantly/all black ANTI-communities."

    That's an accurate description of what Black residential areas have become. {sigh}

    You said, "It's just that this current topic of yours, makes me think of all of the news stories - horror stories really - that go in one ear and out the other when it comes to the general public.

    MOST BW simply can't afford to have a similar attitude regarding this madness.

    Because it's directly effecting a larger percentage of them and their innocent children."

    But what you're describing of your thoughts is the mark of any decent, sane, civilized human being. Normal humans don't have to be personally touched by any of this madness to be upset over it. Or at least that's the way it used to be among Black folks. {very long sigh}

    Hello there, JaliliMaster!

    You said, "As for the second story, I am averse to having much sympathy for women who hook up with criminals."

    I agree. The thing that got me was that whatever the precise details were (whether she was an innocent bystander or not), the ENTIRE scenario was rotten and depraved to the core.

    For just one tidbit---Do we want aspiring parole officers who are married to criminals? What's that about? She didn't see any contradiction with aspiring to become quasi-law enforcement AND being married to a convict?

    Hello there, Foxycleopatra!

    You said, "So this should ring loud to ALL the black women who want to remain in these black enclaves beleiving that as long as they personally don't get involved in anything shady, then it means that they and their loved ones are safe. WRONG! GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!"


    You said, "Apologies for the long post. I am just SO FURIOUS after reading about the INNOCENT black man and black woman (in the two links you posted) who were badly hurt or killed beacsue of the degenrate acts of others."

    No problem, I do understand the fury. I feel the same way.

    Hello there, Lisa!

    You said, "I have always felt that intense introspection accompanied by urgent action is our best recourse right now.

    ...I am just saying that sistas need to be in different settings and look fabulous and polished and just be open to opportunities to meet quality people."


    Hello there, LorMarie!

    You said, "...the constant excuses for bad behavior (the white man's fault, the fault of black single mothers or black women in general) is what I find most frustrating."

    An ethnic group composed of people who make excuses for failure will eventually become extinct. Either by their own self-destructive behavior. Or by the hands of competing, FUNCTIONAL groups that will wipe them out and take whatever resources they have. This is the way of human history.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  11. "Years ago, I joined a private yacht club and you would not believe how many quality white boys were in that joint!"

    A Reverend SHOULD NOT be using words like 'joint'. Lol, I don't know why seeing that made me laugh. And finally, I've actually gotten my google id thing to work!

  12. "For just one tidbit---Do we want aspiring parole officers who are married to criminals? What's that about? She didn't see any contradiction with aspiring to become quasi-law enforcement AND being married to a convict?"

    You know, I never even considered that angle.

  13. Hello there, JaliliMaster!

    You said, "You know, I never even considered that angle."

    Well, there are several disturbing aspects to this part of that news story.

    First, it shows the extent to which Blacks have normalized criminality.

    Second, it's a long-term threat to public safety. If I was a criminal or terrorst leader, my first move would be to have my henchmen join law enforcement.

    It amazes me how stupid and clueless our (mis)leaders are. For example, years ago a local Chicago Black gang pretended to start a political initiative called "21st Century Vote." The leaders of this particular MURDEROUS, DRUG-DEALING STREET GANG started having their "footsoldier" members participate AS A BLOC in political activities on behalf of certain local Black candidates.

    Silly, naive Black folks talked about how socially redeeming and wonderful it was that the young Negro gangbangers were getting involved in politics.

    It didn't occur to anybody that this was inviting a violent criminal organization to openly take control of several aldermen.

    It didn't occur to anybody that this was inviting a violent criminal organization to get a toehold in CONTROLLING local government and the many patronage jobs doled out by local government.

    Praise God that this gang's sinister scheme didn't succeed. This time.

    Also, there was a local BF alderman in Chicago whose boyfriend is a high-ranking Black gang member. Well, it turned out that she was passing along confidential police memos to him (and maybe FBI memos also, if I remember correctly). [In her role as aldeman, the local law enforcement was keeping her informed of ongoing police initiatives in her ward.]

    Back to the news story. Imagine if the deceased woman had lived and had become a parole officer. What if her prisoner-husband was gang-involved? I would imagine that a parole officer would have access to various law enforcement databases. This is how organized crime makes inroads into law enforcement.

    Those Black folks who love to weep for convicted felons haven't quite figured this angle out.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  14. Haha. I've finally been able to figure out this google thing.

    Thanks jalilimaster for your help.

  15. Hello there, Hagar's Daughter!

    You said, "Stories like these just take me to a place where I have no vocal response."

    I know the feeling. I found the silence that surrounds Mr. Miller's situation particularly shocking. I would have thought that his "trainer to Black stars" quasi-celebrity status would have ensured that Black folks paid at least a smidgen of attention to this. (You know how we idolize celebrities.)

    You said, "There should be as much outrage, even more, about the evil, barbaric behavior in black residential areas.

    I can dream can't I."

    You and me both. {sigh}

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  16. I am always having physical reactions to these kinds of headlines. I don't see how people can get desensitized to this at all.

    I do love the connection that you made to generations of dysfunction.

    "Well, there are several disturbing aspects to this part of that news story.

    First, it shows the extent to which Blacks have normalized criminality.

    Second, it's a long-term threat to public safety. If I was a criminal or terrorst leader, my first move would be to have my henchmen join law enforcement."

    I only saw this in movies.

    But I am aware that this does happen on a large scale in some countries like Mexico for instance. If peeps are not aware that life is hard now if this were to happen here on a large scale we really would be living in a Congo/Rwanda 3rd world toilet.

    The sad part about it is that the women who passed would have pretty much destroyed her life had this scenario played out. She would have either been in prison or dead.


Thanks for stopping by! {excited waving}

Please understand that this is not a free speech zone. Profanity and hate speech are not welcome and will not be posted. This blog seeks to foster a courteous, reasoned exchange of ideas. I would ask that before posting, everyone (myself included) seriously consider whether the proposed comment helps or hurts the cause of opposing the ruinous traits listed on the masthead.

Please feel free to add your input to any post at any time. There's no "expiration date" for the issues that are discussed here. I welcome, value, and learn from your contribution! Thank you in advance for your cooperation and your input.