Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wildest Dreams Check-In, Week 11

Today is Day 75 of the Power 90/P90X program.

Gold Star

With frequent use of the pause button, I was able to make it through the Plyometrics workout!

Including the jump knee tuck: "Keep upper body relatively calm while jumping up and pulling your knees in towards your chest repeatedly. Use your hands as targets for your knees. Modify by lowering your hands, which decreases jump height. To intensify, raise hands to increase jump height and pick up speed."

I'm happy that there's really no "Awful Truth" to report this week.

I've sort of settled into a hopefully long-term, sustainable pattern of eating mostly raw food before dinner. Since I'm no longer following the regimented diet plan, it's somewhat slowing down my short-term weight-loss progress. However, I feel that what I'm doing represents great progress for the long term. I feel content (not agitated, angry, or resigned---*Smile*) about continuing to train and eat much better (than I was before) after I've finished the first 90-days. [After taking a small break, I'm going to continue the P90x training after Day 90.]

I no longer perceive this as a "quick fix" situation. I'm in this for the long haul.

What's going on with you? How are your Wildest Dreams (of any type, not just fitness/health related) coming along?


  1. I've been checking since Friday waiting for this post. *smile*
    I went to a running store yesterday and got an analysis of my foot type and gait. It turns out I'm an overpronator, and the overpronation is more pronounced when I run, especially with my left leg.
    So, as my endurance increased and I was able to run longer, I was putting stress on my knee.
    I ponied up for more stable shoes and some liniment.
    We won't discuss how eating 5 100 calorie snack bars defeats the purpose of it being a 100 calorie snack.
    I'm still eating my salad and lean protein for breakfast, though.
    I plan to take another couple days rest and then start out on the treadmill again, walking for awhile.
    Hopefully in a few weeks I can jog a little again.

  2. Salaam Khadija!

    You are a trooper! lol You sound like you really "enjoy" your exercise program! That's great!

    What I'm working on:

    *I've actually been listening to Gregorian chant in the mornings, doing some dhikr, and am working on observing moments of silence.

    * I'm back to journaling three times a week-something I let go two years ago, and I notice the difference in my "mental space".


  3. Hey Woman!

    "I no longer perceive this as a "quick fix" situation. I'm in this for the long haul."

    (bows deeply in respect)

    Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! You Can Do It!!

    Me? Doing great - enjoying all of the stares and compliments and am becoming my town's mini-weight loss guru. Weight Watchers is gonna have to give me a commission with all of the folks I'm sending their way!

    Keep up the great work - 90 days will be here before you know it - then its on the the next challenge!

  4. Hello there, ForeverLoyal!

    You said, "I've been checking since Friday waiting for this post. *smile*"

    I'm delighted to hear that! LOL! I've been debating whether or not I'll continue this feature after the 90 days is over. I try to do things that foster community with the blog discussions. Right now, my inclination is to keep the check-ins as a weekly feature every Friday or Saturday.

    You said, "I'm still eating my salad and lean protein for breakfast, though.
    I plan to take another couple days rest and then start out on the treadmill again, walking for awhile.
    Hopefully in a few weeks I can jog a little again."

    YES! We do what we can to press on.

    Wa Alaikum As Salaam, SisterSeeking/Miriam!

    You said, "You are a trooper! lol You sound like you really "enjoy" your exercise program! That's great!"

    Oh, I wouldn't say that I enjoy exercise. I just don't mind it that much. Exercise has never been an emotionally charged issue for me. My problem with these programs has always been the nutrition part. Especially the emotional aspects of unhealthy eating. But I'm getting better with that.

    You said, "*I've actually been listening to Gregorian chant in the mornings, doing some dhikr, and am working on observing moments of silence.

    * I'm back to journaling three times a week-something I let go two years ago, and I notice the difference in my "mental space"."

    YES! Onward and forward!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  5. I have become a juicing fanatic...(although I am terrified of the reduces hard fruit/vegetables to liquid in just a matter of seconds for goodness sakes)...yesterday, I took all the "about to go bad" (I think) stuff in my refrigerator and made a "super juice" (the requisite beets, carrots, celery and I added cabbage, spinach, peppers, lemons, apples and oranges) DID NOT taste I decided to be a little more thoughful about my combinations...

    I just juiced 4 carrots alone...delicious!!!!

    I also do the Bikram Yoga, when I can muster the energy..I complain bitterly the entire time...but it is so good to sweat out all the toxins while contorting your body into crazy poses while rolling your eyes at the instructor, and being really mad at the serene person beside you who looks happy while doing that stuff....ugh

    Anyway..there is a certain pride and pleasure that comes from KNOWING that the choices you make can really really impact your body and the way you look AND FEEL...None of us are perfect...but I really detest anyone who trys to convince someone that it is ok to be overweight...actually, no it is not..that does not mean that you (as one carrying too much weight) are a lesser person (only an idiot would think that)..All it means is that you have to get MOVING...

    No one should restrict themselves from the beauty of the power of seeing results because of something that you (and only you) did for yourself.

  6. Hello there, Tracy!

    You said, "Me? Doing great - enjoying all of the stares and compliments and am becoming my town's mini-weight loss guru. Weight Watchers is gonna have to give me a commission with all of the folks I'm sending their way!"

    {3 z-formation finger snaps in salute}

    Keep up the great work!

    Hello there, Delishmish!

    You said, "I also do the Bikram Yoga, when I can muster the energy..I complain bitterly the entire time...but it is so good to sweat out all the toxins while contorting your body into crazy poses while rolling your eyes at the instructor, and being really mad at the serene person beside you who looks happy while doing that stuff....ugh"


    You said, "None of us are perfect...but I really detest anyone who trys to convince someone that it is ok to be overweight...actually, no it is not..that does not mean that you (as one carrying too much weight) are a lesser person (only an idiot would think that)..All it means is that you have to get MOVING..."

    Yes, this really ticks me off too. Excess weight is literally a matter of life and death. Folks need to stop tripping about that. Especially since we can all see Black folks dropping like flies all around us from obesity-related ailments.

    You said, "No one should restrict themselves from the beauty of the power of seeing results because of something that you (and only you) did for yourself."


    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  7. Hello Khadija!

    I am really proud of you and your progress with this!

    It seems that all of you are on the ball and moving forward. I wish you all much continued success with your goals.

    I am kinda getting frustrated with my hair. I want to trim it badly, but I am supposed to be growing it out. I stopped myself before I cut 5" the other day.

    I am enjoying experimenting with natural ingredients for skin and hair. I am now starting to experiment with ayurvedic herbs.

    I have learned that common knowledge about hair is soo bogus.

    I learned by accident that I can make my hair bone straight with two kitchen products - actually the same ones I was using to make it curlier.

    I did join a weight loss support group. I had no problem telling my starting weight, but when they asked my goal weight - that was a different story.

    I had no idea what that was and someone suggested a chart by height. I had a panic attack the smaller the number I mentally tried on. I just had these overwhelming fear sensations in my body. So I settled for 20llbs over m highest weight according to the chart.

  8. Hello there, Aphrodite!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I need all the encouragement that I get! LOL!

    Keep up the good work with your efforts!

    Onward and forward.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  9. Khadija,

    I saw the P90X infomercial this weekend and it looks awesome! My superathletic boyfriend was excited by it as well.

    But I was curious how it's possible to continue the workout after 90 days? Won't the DVD's eventually get boring and won't you plateau?

  10. Hello there, Enlightened!

    You asked, "But I was curious how it's possible to continue the workout after 90 days? Won't the DVD's eventually get boring and won't you plateau?"

    The P90X program contains 11 different workouts, plus the Ab Ripper X workout. It rotates with a different sequence of workouts for each day in 3 different blocks of time.

    Each block equals 3 weeks of "intensity" and one week of relative "recovery." The point of the rotation is so your body never settles into a routine with the workouts.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  11. Hello All,

    LOL @ the 5 100 calorie snacks.

    I am getting close to launching one of my websites and I am so anxious. The last step is getting the merchant account - which I am pretty close to.

    The immigrant fam that was living in the house I wanted is gone. Just gone. They have a for rent sign on it and I called the number. I think the guy selling it is a slick. He told me he was the property manager- when I feel so strongly that he is the seller. I asked how much for rent- just to ask. I laughed on the inside bc it would be rude to do it to his face. I asked was that for a rent to own. He said could be. I asked how much for outright purchase and he wouldn't give me an answer. He told me what percent down needed to be (but he is not the owner *wink*wink) but added that I can have all the appliances and a big screen TV left in the house/ if I didn't take the appliances then they would give me a 2k credit towards the downpayment, and there would be no closing costs whichever route I chose. He asked if I could meet him (not the seller *wink*wink)that same day to look at at the house.

    I know how much the homes are going for and I know what he bought the house for the house - so unless there has been major structural repair - and I live across the street and didn't see none-no roofers, foundation, etc - even if there was some electrical/plumbing it doesn't warrant what he is asking. I am too keen in math, but I multiplied the percent of the downpayment and he is nuts.

    At any rate my plan is to play around with it and see what happens.

    If it works out i can have the utilities disconnected and go off the grid - so I don't have but 1 utility.

    I have been researching solar panels and after the bills my mom has been getting I told her she is going off the grid too. I can build a system for around 200.00 and I have been looking at getting the storage batteries for free.

    The only additional expenses will be the labor to anchor it and I can get that cheap- either to the roof, side of the house, or ground plus paying an electrician to connect. Then I can transition from a gas water heater/stove to electric.

    I have also found some good finds on rural property. I have found several deals on owner financed acreage around 20-30 acres all under 20k in good areas in FL, Norcal, and Socal.

    I would like to be able to take advantage of as much as I can. I just have to figure, plan, and prioritize.

  12. Kudos to you, Khadija!

    You are showing all of us how to stick to a long-term life-enriching fitness plan that does not involve pipe dreams or "quick fix" tactics!!

    Long-term fitness is a serious endeavor and Michelle Obama has said that she's been committed for more than TEN YEARS. She didn't just get those tone arms and that trim body by eating green salads for one month. She said in People Magazine that she and Barack work out together in the wee hours of the morning. So many women think they can just go on a diet and be right where Michelle is in terms of fitness when her program has been ONGOING for over a decade...

    Thank you for helping to show that this process takes time and patience and determination!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  13. Hello there, Lisa!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I need all the encouragement that I get! LOL!

    Yes, fitness and health are life-time pursuits; not a quick fix.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.


Thanks for stopping by! {excited waving}

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