Friday, March 6, 2009

Wildest Dreams Check-In, Week 9

Today is Day 60 of the Power 90 program.

It's a Wash: This Week's Awful Truth and Gold Star Cancel Each Other Out

One the one hand, I'm in much better spirits than I was last week about this whole transition. This is thanks to a comment from a reader named Ana (who pointed out that last week's bit of semi-craziness was simply part of "the necessary birth pangs unto becoming a new, healthier person."). ¡Muchas Gracias, Ana!

On the other hand, I've missed a couple of days of working out this week due to illness. [The cold that I've been ducking and dodging since last week finally caught up with me. Although, I avoided getting a sore throat due to timely intervention with zinc lozenges.]

I soldier on.

What's going on with you? How are your Wildest Dreams (of any type, not just fitness/health related) coming along?


  1. This was posted early this morning in last week's check-in (before I did this post). I feel that it deserves to be repeated in the current check-in:

    "foreverloyal said...

    I think I may be serious about this weightloss thing. I ran out of salad greens (have been meeting my goal of 2 large leafy green salads daily) and actually drove to the grocery store at 6am so that I could have salad today.

    I'm proud of me, normally I would say, "Oh well, I guess I have to wait until this weekend when I go grocery shopping!" And happily dig into a big bowl of granola instead.


    I need to keep this "new me" around.

    March 6, 2009 6:01 AM

    Khadija said...

    Hello there, ForeverLoyal!

    YES!YES!YES! {raised fist salute}

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

    March 6, 2009 7:11 AM"

  2. Soldier on we must! I ate my two salads yesterday, the second one at dinner. (I really wanted to ditch in and just eat pizza but I made myself eat it!)
    I had to cut my workout short yesterday, but I DID do it. Ordinarily I would be "all or nothing" and just skip it if I couldn't put in the planned-for 45 minutes.
    Eating salad helped me feel fuller (that is why I eat the whole thing first, instead of with dinner) So I only had 1 + about 1/3 of a slice of pizza.
    The biggest adjustment has been in my attitude. Adjusting to less than ideal conditions and doing what I can instead of throwing in the towel and starting over the next day (or next Monday!) has been huge.
    My face is looking a little slimmer, and I tried on a fabulous black trench coat that I bought (too small) last month. I no longer looked like a sausage wearing it, so progress has been made.

    You may have cancelled out progress this week, but the fact that you are still at it is an achievement. I am hoping not to do anymore serious blacksiding.

    Is there a way that you can modify the diet so that you like it more? Can you add different seasonings or light sauces to make mealtime more fun?

  3. Hello there, ForeverLoyal!

    You said, "I had to cut my workout short yesterday, but I DID do it. Ordinarily I would be "all or nothing" and just skip it if I couldn't put in the planned-for 45 minutes...The biggest adjustment has been in my attitude. Adjusting to less than ideal conditions and doing what I can instead of throwing in the towel and starting over the next day (or next Monday!) has been huge."

    This is really important. I also had to get over the "all or nothing" mindset.

    You said, "Eating salad helped me feel fuller (that is why I eat the whole thing first, instead of with dinner) So I only had 1 + about 1/3 of a slice of pizza."

    This is wise. I've been doing a similar thing, and eating a serving of fruit first.

    You said, " My face is looking a little slimmer, and I tried on a fabulous black trench coat that I bought (too small) last month. I no longer looked like a sausage wearing it, so progress has been made."

    LOL! YES!YES!YES! {fist pump}

    You said, "You may have cancelled out progress this week, but the fact that you are still at it is an achievement."

    Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. I need it. It's strange when I realize that this is the last month of the Power 90 program. I see the changes that have taken place, but it's still a strange thought.

    I'm in the home stretch of this phase of my project! Thank God. [After a small break, I'm going to start the P90x program. I guess now would be a good time to order that program.]

    You said, "Is there a way that you can modify the diet so that you like it more? Can you add different seasonings or light sauces to make mealtime more fun?"

    I find that, after reflecting on Ana's comment, I've been more at peace about the food situation this week. I'm still not thrilled, but I'm not agitated either. Which is progress.

    Upon reflection, I've realized that I react better (emotionally) to healthy food in restaurants because it's presented in an attractive manner. So, I think I need to work on that aspect of mealtime. ["Make it pretty!" LOL!]

    The other part of this week's strategy is to start each meal with a serving of some fruit that I enjoy. [I'm blessed in that I've always really loved fruit, and I still get excited about eating it.]

    All in all, my mood about this has gotten better this week.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  4. Hi Khadija,

    You ROCK!

    You said: Upon reflection, I've realized that I react better (emotionally) to healthy food in restaurants because it's presented in an attractive manner. So, I think I need to work on that aspect of mealtime. ["Make it pretty!" LOL!]

    My response:
    It's true - we eat with our EYES first. So make your meals look like they do in restaurants.

    I'm telling you, Khadija, each time I'm at physical therapy session and struggling to do 1 set of 12 reps with 3lb weights I think about you and other readers/commenters who are working out hard. I've dropped 6lbs -woohoo! - doing simple moves that use core abdominal muscles and lifting very light weights. I am very strict with my eating right now because the foods I eat really impact pain and inflammation process in my body.

    I drink 32oz of green smoothie daily and I'm eating vegan. Doctors are surprised at how well I'm doing. I must because my very life depends on it - no joking. I'm fighting what looks like some brain inflammation, but I press on.

    Keep going!

  5. Greetings, Hagar's Daughter!

    You said, "You ROCK!"

    Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. {blushing} I try...{voice trailing off}

    You said, "I'm telling you, Khadija, each time I'm at physical therapy session and struggling to do 1 set of 12 reps with 3lb weights I think about you and other readers/commenters who are working out hard."

    I think of you often, as well. Your efforts have inspired me, and I'm honored to have you as a comrade in this struggle. {deep martial arts bow}

    [Audience Note: Hagar's Daughter did a juice fast a while back. WOW! I DON'T have the self-discipline to do all of that! LOL!

    Hagar's Daughter doesn't know this, but she's my health hero! Her amazing example is what inspired me to start juicing in the first place.]

    You said, "I've dropped 6lbs -woohoo! - doing simple moves that use core abdominal muscles and lifting very light weights. I am very strict with my eating right now because the foods I eat really impact pain and inflammation process in my body.

    I drink 32oz of green smoothie daily and I'm eating vegan. Doctors are surprised at how well I'm doing. I must because my very life depends on it - no joking. I'm fighting what looks like some brain inflammation, but I press on."

    YES!YES!YES! {fist pump}

    You said, "Keep going!"

    YES! Onward and forward to victory!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  6. i am not in the best of moods because i am currently struggling with shin splints and it is keeping me on the bike much more than i would like but i press on.

    i have a race next weekned so i'm not going to do any running until the day of the race.

    i've dropped another 10 pounds since the last time i checked in with you all and also hired a personal trainer.

    i haven't been able to go on as many morning walks as i had before because this desert heat can be terrible. some days i leave the house looking beautiful just to arrive back home three hours later looking greasy, sweaty, tanned and tired. my goal now is to do all of the walking i can before the real heat comes.

    i've done some emotional eating this past week that reminded me of what you said last week when you checked in Khadija. it just wasn't the same for me. in fact, i felt down right stupid.

  7. Greetings, DeStouet!

    {raised fist salute in admiration of your efforts}

    You said, "i've done some emotional eating this past week that reminded me of what you said last week when you checked in Khadija. it just wasn't the same for me. in fact, i felt down right stupid."

    Yep. These days, I'm often reminded of BB King's song, The Thrill is Gone:

    "The thrill is gone
    The thrill is gone away
    The thrill is gone baby
    The thrill is gone away
    You know you done me wrong baby
    And you'll be sorry someday

    The thrill is gone
    It's gone away from me
    The thrill is gone baby
    The thrill is gone away from me
    Although I'll still live on
    But so lonely I'll be

    The thrill is gone
    It's gone away for good
    Oh, the thrill is gone baby
    Baby its gone away for good
    Someday I know I'll be over it all baby
    Just like I know a man should

    You know I'm free, free now baby
    I'm free from your spell
    I'm free, free now
    I'm free from your spell
    And now that it's over
    All I can do is wish you well.

    I guess this "the thrill is gone" sensation is the price tag for no longer being addicted to unhealthy foods. {wistful sigh}

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  8. I'm here in LA looking for a job and meeting people. Just the change in surroundings has resulted in a shift. I have no idea what the future holds but it's best to be in it to win it!! I am cautiously optimistic.

  9. Greetings, Faith! mentioned "In it to win it!" I LIKE that!

    Please know that you're one of the right people...and you're putting yourself in the right places...and it'll come together at the right time.

    I don't know if you're from, or familiar with, LA. But in any event, it's usually scary to step outside of one's familiar routine. This takes courage. {deep martial arts bow in admiration}

    [I recall that in order to go interview for my first job after law school, I got off the Greyhound bus in a city that I had never been to before.]

    I've found for myself that it does not work out well for me to try to force things into being. If I have to claw, scratch, and drive myself totally insane, then it's not the right thing for me, or it's not the right time, etc.

    HOWEVER, I've observed that when people do the necessary work and self-preparation, and then step out on faith, God meets them more than halfway!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  10. Hey Woman!!

    Day 60!?! Oh! You So Can Do It!

    Hit a wall this last couple of weeks (still at 60 lbs) but looking back at having a steady loss for the last six months, I Wont Complain!

    Body is transitioning and kinda rebelling - I added weights this week! But I am Hungry like a big dog! I'll have to find some veggies that taste good on the grill - any suggestions y'all?

    Keep going you've come so far! And don't cancel nuthin' out - you get a gold star for taking this head on! (arms raised in a V!)

    Peace and.....I am so sore..

  11. Greetings, Tracy!

    You said, "Keep going you've come so far! And don't cancel nuthin' out - you get a gold star for taking this head on! (arms raised in a V!)"

    THANK YOU!THANK YOU! THANK YOU so much for the encouragement and support! I need it, and truly appreciate it.

    {raised fist salute in admiration of your efforts}

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  12. I'm back on my fitness plan after a 3 week break due to medical reasons, so I have basically had to start all over again. I have a sweet tooth like mother....

    I am 7 days in and trucking on. I am running and weight lifting. I am also resisting the urge to weigh my myself for the first two weeks since the scale lies.

    Keep On Going!

    Nu Girl

  13. Greetings, NuGirl!

    {raised fist salute in admiration of your efforts}

    You said, "Keep On Going!

    YES! Onward and forward to victory!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  14. On this one (and this one only) I’ll depart from being a reader only. To add a little “keep at it” inspiration.
    It can take up to 3 weeks for the body to fully respond to any upward cycle of added workout stress. That’s just to adapt. With programs that have you constantly moving forward (vs. 3 week steady plateau, then move up 10% - 15%), you are going to feel tired, wondering if you’re making progress because the body is on a continues adaptive schedule. Trust me, you are getting there. It will be toward the end when the body really starts adapting, that significant improvements become noticeable. Just keep at it, eyes on the prize. You’ll get there. And will be so glad you did
    Always remember … it is not just about how you look. It is about your life! Your health. The quality of living your life. Your ability to participate in any activity you want too, not limited by unnecessary health/body issues. The healthy body look is really just a side benefit of being healthy for YOU.

  15. Greetings Khadija!!

    This journey to fitness you have invested in is so impressive!!

    My friend was on a fitness program to prepare for her wedding.

    I told her, "when you walk down the aisle, I want your husband-to-be to say pow-pow-pow!" She laughed.

    At the wedding reception, he walked up to me, turned his head to be sure she wasn't looking and no one could overhear and whispered "pow-pow-pow!" while glancing at her lovingly.

    Keep at are so close to the end zone! I know you will be TIGHT AND RIGHT as your friend says!!

    {2-hand high fives} for all of your hard work!

    This summer when you step on the beach, it's going to be:

  16. Greetings, Whiteboy Reader!'re always welcome to de-lurk and participate! Especially for these non-race-related discussions. I hope you'll drop by again in the future.

    THANK YOU so much for the encouragement and support! I need it, and truly appreciate it.

    You said, "It can take up to 3 weeks for the body to fully respond to any upward cycle of added workout stress. That’s just to adapt. With programs that have you constantly moving forward (vs. 3 week steady plateau, then move up 10% - 15%), you are going to feel tired, wondering if you’re making progress because the body is on a continues adaptive schedule. Trust me, you are getting there. It will be toward the end when the body really starts adapting, that significant improvements become noticeable."

    Hmmm...that's really interesting. And good to know. Thank you so much for sharing that.

    You said, "Always remember … it is not just about how you look. It is about your life! Your health. The quality of living your life. Your ability to participate in any activity you want too, not limited by unnecessary health/body issues. The healthy body look is really just a side benefit of being healthy for YOU."

    True that! I've watched people I know suffer the miseries caused by a sedentary lifestyle. I DON'T want to be involved in any unnecessary health issues! I'll have to keep this angle in mind while I'm grumbling. LOL!

    Greetings, Lisa!

    You said, "This journey to fitness you have invested in is so impressive!!"

    Thank you, but I don't feel impressed. This is so frustratingly HARD, SLOW and UNCOMFORTABLE. Why can't it work like those "something for nothing" commercials? LOL! Hmmph.

    I'm moving closer to "tight and right." I can see it on the horizon. But there's still LOTS of hard work to do to get there. Hmmph. LOL!

    THANK YOU so much for the encouragement and support! I need it, and truly appreciate it.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  17. Thanks Khadija for leading by example and sharing your groans as well as your joys with all of us. That's life isn't it? We come through the other side because we keep going!

  18. Hello there, Faith!

    THANK YOU so much for the encouragement and support! I need it, and truly appreciate it.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  19. Ok where do I begin?!!?!? LOL!

    I have not only learned how to play chess but I have been spending most of my morning playing college students and fellow coffee house buddies honing my game.

    I have to say that I have amazed everyone..I even won two well fought games with two established players.

    In my quest to start mastering the game, I have accepted suggestions from all players on how to improve my game and, I had kept in mind what Rev. Lisa was saying when she had mentioned on one of her blog entries how her dad would have her reanalyze a chess game that she had lost with a classmate to find out where she had erred in strategy.

    It finally clicked for me that playing chess (a game of dominance and strategy) is exactly like life.

    This game has taught me more about myself (because as I was playing various opponents they would ask me why I would make moves in addition to why I should not make certain ones.....much like mentors in life.)

    As a result I have finally started to REALLY take control of my life.

    I know it sounds simplistic in a way but... Since I have started playing I have been able to not only say no more often (because it really was in my best interest not to do some things) But I am able to start to see how people really function.

    It's funny at times because before this...I would spent time wondering about situations..the whys and such.

    On the physical front... I have started shopping, wearing makeup and have stopped looking "winter frumpy"'s hard when the wind chill is below zero but..when it is warm enough I go for it.

    Needless to say I have heard some very pleasant comments and people were pretty surprised that I could actually look a certain way....Not that I was not cute before but...well you know.

    Now if I could spend more time on my neglected blogs....I'm getting to both of them soon!

  20. Greetings, MangoButtahQueen!

    YES!YES!YES! Now that's what I'm talking about!

    You said, "I know it sounds simplistic in a way but... Since I have started playing I have been able to not only say no more often (because it really was in my best interest not to do some things) But I am able to start to see how people really function."

    There's nothing simplistic about it. There are reasons why chess is called "The Game of Kings"!

    And I love the synergy involved in all of what you're doing! Keep up the great work! {raised fist salute}

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  21. I started working out again in January. I realized that there are all sorts of fitness videos On Demand for free on my cable system. (Yes, I watch so little tv I had no idea how the thing worked! -lol-) Anyway, all of Jillian Michaels' videos are on there. She's on the weight loss reality show. I've also been lifting weights using a program from the Body for Life series.

    I started this because I have insulinaemia, and don't want to develop diabetes. Plus, I'm tired of Dr. Oz and his tape measure of doom. I decided that I wanted a 32" waist by the time I'm 45 in September. 32X45 is my mantra. Thus far I've lost 2" off my waist, and I no longer have a facial hair problem. It isn't totally gone, but it's gotten significantly better. Lifting weights helps your body process insulin more efficiently and keeps the androgens down. I'm ecstatic. I have no doubt I'll make my goal.

  22. Greetings, Roslyn!

    YES!YES!YES! Now that's what I'm talking about! {raised fist salute}

    I'm delighted to hear about your progress! Keep up the great work!

    You said, "Lifting weights helps your body process insulin more efficiently and keeps the androgens down."

    That's really good info to know; thanks for sharing it. I feel that too many women who exercise are fixated on cardio ALONE, and shy away from weight training.

    Ladies, weight training is important! For all SORTS of reasons (for maintaining bone density and other stuff, in addition to what Roslyn mentioned about insulin processing).

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.


Thanks for stopping by! {excited waving}

Please understand that this is not a free speech zone. Profanity and hate speech are not welcome and will not be posted. This blog seeks to foster a courteous, reasoned exchange of ideas. I would ask that before posting, everyone (myself included) seriously consider whether the proposed comment helps or hurts the cause of opposing the ruinous traits listed on the masthead.

Please feel free to add your input to any post at any time. There's no "expiration date" for the issues that are discussed here. I welcome, value, and learn from your contribution! Thank you in advance for your cooperation and your input.