Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tools For The Writer's Craft: 2 Books & 2 Blogs

I've been reading the following two books that I've found to be extremely helpful:

Break Into Fiction: 11 Steps to Building a Story That Sells, by Mary Buckham and Dianna Love. , and

How To Write Killer Fiction: The Funhouse of Mystery & The Roller Coaster of Suspense, by Carolyn Wheat.

Evia, blog host of Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine, mentioned another excellent resource for writers in one of her comments: The blog author Nathan Bransford (who is a literary agent) linked to another literary agent blog that has helpful articles. It's at

Read, learn, and Get Busy!


  1. This is such great information! Thank you so much and you know I will be passing it on. In the future, I would also like to see some success stories that started from these tips you shared. Awesome and terrific. Thanks again.

  2. Lorraine,

    You're welcome! Yes, please spread the word. I'm still amazed at how much information is available with these new technologies.

    I still remember the days of trudging downtown (on the bus, in the snow) to the central public library to read academic journals. Or having to get a special pass for access to the University of Chicago's library. And to think that now it's all at one's fingertips! Amazing.

    Featuring the success stories is a great idea. Ladies, get busy. LOL!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.


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