Sunday, February 22, 2009

Geostrategy Nerd: What Would Mexico's Sudden Collapse Mean for YOUR Prospects in the U.S.?

Most people don't know this, but I'm a military history buff. One of my favorite authors, Gary Brecher, is the self-described "War Nerd" of the blog In his fine tradition of war commentary, I'm an aspiring "Geostrategy Nerd." I've been avidly reading about a number of developments that I do NOT hear being discussed in African-American circles. Even though these developments could seriously hinder our prospects as a collective.

I said the following in Charity Should Begin at Home, Part 2: Black Folks' Mass Suicide by Coalition:

"Our lack of political common sense has already cost us. Dearly. In terms of political empowerment, we've already slit our own wrists. Our (mis)leaders encouraged us to support Latino and other non-White immigration, and to cry copious tears over the 'plight' of various categories of illegal immigrants. We were encouraged to assume that non-White immigrants were somehow our natural, and automatic allies in the quest for justice.

Umm . . . No. People generally come to the United States to get paid. Period. There's nothing wrong with that. Like I said in Part 1 of this series, it is normal, natural, and fair for people to look out for their own interests. I would like to see more African-Americans acquire this mental habit.

Somehow, we got it in our heads that other people of color are naturally inclined to help us in our struggle. NO. Helping us is not part of most immigrants' mission profile. People come here to find a better life for themselves. Not to join our struggle. We are now reaping the consequences of foolishly supporting non-White (legal and illegal) immigration to this country.

We are being displaced. We are being physically displaced in many areas of the country. This physical displacement leads to political displacement. Many currently Black congressional districts have large and growing Latino populations. NO Latino districts have growing Black populations. I've read reports estimating that this demographic shift will cause Blacks to lose 6-7 congressional seats after the 2010 census redistricting."

Of course, our (mis)leadership class is NOT talking about any of this. Our (mis)leaders are also not talking about a scenario that has been making the rounds of the military history and geopolitical strategy blogs that I enjoy: the possible sudden collapse of the Mexican government. I was recently amused to see that this discussion has finally made it into the self-proclaimed alternative, "progressive" press:

The violence from the narco wars in Mexico has already spilled over into this country:

"Just as government officials had feared, the drug violence raging in Mexico is spilling over into the United States.

U.S. authorities are reporting a spike in killings, kidnappings and home invasions connected to Mexico's murderous cartels. And to some policymakers' surprise, much of the violence is happening not in towns along the border, where it was assumed the bloodshed would spread, but a considerable distance away, in places such as Phoenix and Atlanta.

Investigators fear the violence could erupt elsewhere around the country because the Mexican cartels are believed to have set up drug-dealing operations all over the U.S., in such far-flung places as Anchorage, Alaska; Boston; and Sioux Falls, S.D.

'The violence follows the drugs,' said David Cuthbertson, agent in charge of the FBI's office in the border city of El Paso, Texas." [emphasis added]

Hmmm. . . We know where many of the open air drug markets are. . . in Black residential areas.

So, as you can see, this ongoing situation in Mexico has a LOT of implications for Black folks in this country. Our leaders don't seem to be thinking about any of this. Perhaps you should. And think about how you can position yourself to be among those persons who are least affected by these trends.

Would a sudden, massive influx of Mexicans fleeing government collapse and narco wars affect your employment?

What are the odds of drug violence coming to your current doorstep?

Are you paying attention to international developments that can affect your prospects, and quality of life? And your children's prospects?

*Addendum* My goodness, during the last few days, I've seen increasing numbers of news stories about this scenario. I wonder what's up with that...Here are a few paragraphs from today's (2/26/09) Associated Press story, "Mexico prez hopes to quell drug violence by 2012." My reactions are in blue:

MEXICO CITY – President Felipe Calderon hopes to quell Mexico's rampant drug violence by the end of his term in 2012, and disputes U.S. fears that Mexico is losing control of its territory. [Oh my...] In interviews with The Associated Press on Thursday, Calderon and his top prosecutor said the violence that killed 6,290 people last year — and more than 1,000 in the first eight weeks of 2009 — is a sign that the cartels are under pressure from military and police operations nationwide, as well as turf wars among themselves.

"To say that Mexico is a failed state is absolutely false," Calderon said. "I have not lost any part — any single part — of Mexican territory." [Hmmm. . . the fact that he needs to put out this message suggests otherwise.]

Calderon, a Harvard-educated conservative, said smuggling cannot be eliminated as long as Americans continue to use drugs, but hopes he can beat back the cartels by 2012 to a point that the army and federal police can withdraw and leave the problem in the hands of local law enforcement. He declined to give a specific timeline for winning the war against drug gangs. [Could it be that he doesn't have a timetable because his government is losing? Hmmm...]*


  1. Khadija

    I don't think AA really understand the ramifications of international events. We are very reactive and not proactive. It is so apparent that many AA will be lost in the shuffle. Hispanics will be the majority minority by next year 2010.
    the census will show that blacks are not the majority minority anymore. There is also a growing Asian and Indian population in many cities. In cities like Detroit , there are Caldonians and Middle Easterners everywhere. Detroit is no longer Black. The same goes for Chicago. My cousins have told me that whites/Jews/Italians are moving in the South Side and fixing up old homes. There is a large hispanic pop too in Chicago. Hell look at what happened to Harlem,NY. The sad part is the drugs that are flowing through our communities now from Mexico and Central America. Many of the drug cartels are taking out AA drug lords to get control of the market and it is working big time. Here in Atlanta we had a big scandal with our Mayor's son in law who was dealing drus with the Colombians out of LA. It was a big mess too. You see some of these bm who are dealing drugs are now international. They don't even go through the white man or the Mafia. They are going to the source(Latin America/Asia). We are living in some strange times.

  2. Greetings, Anonymous!

    You said, "I don't think AA really understand the ramifications of international events. We are very reactive and not proactive. It is so apparent that many AA will be lost in the shuffle."

    Yep. I never cease to be amazed by our mass cluelessness.

    You said,"Hispanics will be the majority minority by next year 2010.
    the census will show that blacks are not the majority minority anymore. There is also a growing Asian and Indian population in many cities."

    Yes, Latinos have been celebrating their numerical victory over AAs for the past couple of years. Soon, the AA population will drop behind that of Asians. Our future is not a pretty picture as things stand. As Dr. Claud Anderson has observed, "If we didn't get anywhere are the #2 population group, what do we think happens when we drop down to #3, and #4 (after the Asians)?"

    My answer: Nothing nice. We become totally irrelevant and go unmentioned. Just like most of Africa.

    You said, "The same goes for Chicago. My cousins have told me that whites/Jews/Italians are moving in the South Side and fixing up old homes. There is a large hispanic pop too in Chicago."

    I can verify this in terms of Chicago. White people are taking back all the neighborhoods they fled from! They realized that they made a big mistake decades ago by running out to the suburbs, and HOURS away from their jobs in the city. They're taking it all back. With our collusion through our mass stupidity (which I need not recount here).

    AAs better wake up. And soon. And ask themselves, "Is my industry/job one that could be taken over and done by no-English-speaking refugees from Mexico (among other places)?" If so, you need to prepare yourself to do SOMETHING ELSE to put food on your table.

    People, Get Ready.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  3. Hi there Khadija!

    I am so happy to see this post!

    At my blog, I was just mentioning the DIRE need for black women to stay on top of foreign news.
    Thanks for blowing the trumpet!

    I have news for Anon 8:29AM, Hispanics are ALREADY the majority minority in the United States. Their families are also more intact than AA families - even when they arrive in this country separately. Companies are now hiring more bilingual supervisors and managers...and so many black women are still not understanding the need to become fluent in Spanish in order to remain competitive professionally.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  4. Greetings, Lisa!

    Thank you for your kind words about the post. I appreciate it. And high-five to you on your latest post [even factoring in our points of permanent disagreement--LOL!].

    Here are some more probable points of permanent disagreement:

    Yes, it's good to learn a foreign language, including Spanish. However, I don't believe that learning Spanish will protect AAs from the hiring discrimination that is often practiced against us by Latinos when they get the opportunity.

    It's been my observation that in many instances Latino "gatekeepers" are using bilingual requirements as a way of reserving certain jobs for themselves, ALONE. It's a scam, and a game to have a plausible-sounding reason for excluding everybody EXCEPT their fellow Latinos.

    For example, let's say the Latino "gatekeeper" has a choice between hiring:

    1-another Latino who speaks a "minority" Spanish dialect relative to the local area [for example, a native speaker with a Mexican accent in a majority Cuban area in Florida]; OR

    2-an AA who is fluent in the local "majority" Spanish dialect [Cuban-accented Spanish],

    the Latino gatekeeper will most likely hire the Mexican. "Mismatched" accent be damned.

    Lisa, you know this, but let me stress this for the audience:

    There are sometimes wide variations in regional accents with any language. Especially when it comes to casual, non-formal conversation and slang. For example, I find that even though I understand the news from the BBC (because this is formal speech), I find some of the dialougue (especially slang) in British movies VERY difficult to understand.

    The sort of hypothetical situation I described above is is what I've heard goes on in Miami. Latino anti-Black racism is AS BAD or WORSE than White anti-Black hiring discrimination.

    And our (mis)leaders have had us crying over, and supporting, these people coming here.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  5. Greetings Khadija! {waves}

    Thanks for the points that you have shared!

    I have noticed that white corporations are now recruiting bilingual executives. White corporations would rather hire low-paid Hispanic workers. They realize that in order to develop this workforce, they will need management to be culturally-astute.

    Latinos know that white corporations are willing to make inroads for them - in spite of language barriers.

    As for your point about the language variations... it is a great observation! There are at least 36 different variations of the Spanish language.

    My Spanish dialect does not sound like the dialect of a Mexican or a Chicano or a DR.

    Also...I can speak English with a Spanish accent or without just depends on whether I am trying to pass or not! *LOL* You know, the exotic negro thing!!

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

  6. Hello there, Lisa!

    You mentioned "the exotic negro thing!!"

    {deeply amused chuckling at our little ongoing joke}

    [*Audience note* I've been on-again, off-again teasing the Right Reverend Lisa VAZQUEZ about how she's probably NOT perceived or treated the same way as us so-called "generic, non-exotic, not-half Puerto Rican, all-AA Negroes"...{chuckling} And before anybody "gets it twisted," let me clarify that she's ALL Black. Her father is a Black Puerto Rican.]

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  7. To The Anonymous Commenter Whose Comment I Recently Rejected,

    Let me repeat from this blog's comment guidelines above:

    "Please understand that this is not a free speech zone. Profanity and hate speech are not welcome and will not be posted. This blog seeks to foster a courteous, reasoned exchange of ideas. I would ask that before posting, everyone (myself included) seriously consider whether the proposed comment helps or hurts the cause of opposing the ruinous traits listed on the masthead."

    In other words, this is NOT a place for you (or anybody else) to visit in order to snipe at other guests. If your proposed comment is not responsive to the conversation at hand, don't try to unload it here. If your comment doesn't contribute to a courteous, reasoned exchange of ideas, don't try to unload it here.

    Lively discussion and debate is just fine with me, as long as it is courteous. However, I DON'T appreciate folks trying to use my blog home to vent their grudges.


  8. Khadija,

    I am assuming your message was for me, as the comment I submitted didn't show up on your blog. I am sorry for any perceived insult. I am an avid reader, and look forward to your posts.

  9. Hello there, Anonymous!

    Apology accepted. We're cool. I realize that most Black blogs have a MUCH more freewheeling style of handling comments. I just try to maintain the focus on moving conversations toward SOLUTIONS.

    And I'm not speaking from "on high." There have been a couple of people that I have wanted to verbally break my foot off in their cyber-behind. LOL! And, on one unfortunate occasion, I allowed myself to take a nasty tone of voice while visiting somebody else's blog (when rebuking another guest that I felt was abusing that forum).

    So, I do understand the temptation. Like I said, we're cool; and let's just move forward.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  10. Khadija said"

    "It's been my observation that in many instances Latino "gatekeepers" are using bilingual requirements as a way of reserving certain jobs for themselves, ALONE. It's a scam, and a game to have a plausible-sounding reason for excluding everybody EXCEPT their fellow Latinos.

    For example, let's say the Latino "gatekeeper" has a choice between hiring:

    1-another Latino who speaks a "minority" Spanish dialect relative to the local area [for example, a native speaker with a Mexican accent in a majority Cuban area in Florida]; OR

    2-an AA who is fluent in the local "majority" Spanish dialect [Cuban-accented Spanish],

    the Latino gatekeeper will most likely hire the Mexican. "Mismatched" accent be damned."

    Khadija you are absolutely right! This was my experience living in Miami. I always felt the bilingual requirements were simply a way to discriminate against non-Hispanics, especially for white-collar positions, where more than likely everyone speaks English anyway.

    For example, there are many fluent Spanish speakers (oral and written) in Miami who are not Hispanic. Some even have degrees or minors in Spanish. However, it was very common to see job ads reading "NATIVE SPEAKERS ONLY" (emphasis mine). The bilingual wasn't enough, they had to take it one step further to ensure the applicant was Hispanic. The funny thing is that I've met many native Spanish speakers who can't read or write it to save their life.

    The anti-Black discrimination by Hispanics (read: CUBANS) is out of control! This is a very big reason why I left Miami. I experienced the worst racism of my life there. I do not support Miami Cubans and their issues due to their treatment of Blacks. I was glad when they snatched Elian Gonzalez up and returned him home. I pray NONE of their boats make it here. Yes, I am a little bitter, lol

  11. Well speaking for the Black masses - NO!! And the thing that kills me is how so many of these so-called knowledgable and progressive sources are either just as clueless or not discussing these things.

    It is my great privilege and relief to find a place where somebody knows what time it is and I can learn something!

    The other problem is the only discussion focusing on immigration is one that deploys a lot of racial animus or total acceptance with no boundaries or expectations. The gov't is involved in promoting illegal immigration to help business profits go up and to line their politician's pockets.

  12. Just to add onto what I wrote earlier: Khadija, you are very correct when you state that Blacks have to worry about discrimination from other minority groups even more than from whites.

    Prior to moving to Miami, I had the kumbaya, we are all brothers and sisters attitude towards other races as well, especially Hispanics. I thought the Hispanics in Miami would be like the ones in NYC. WRONG! I was truly shocked by the venom they displayed towards Blacks, their false sense of superiority, and their strong need to identify with whites. I think the last part is the main reason for their disgusting behavior-they think treating Blacks poorly will ingratiate them to Whites. I don't see this behavior in NYC Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, etc. There is just something about those Miami Cubans... They are the ones who hate Castro.

    Another important point you made is that these other races have no White-guilt issues-they don't feel they owe Blacks anything. When I really stop and think about it, this is truly terrifying.

    I think the only thing individual Blacks can do is make sure their education and personal achievements are top of the line, so they won't be competing for jobs that a non-English speaker can do. This is partly why I haven't been as upset as I should be about illegal immigration, because I am not competing in the same job category as them. However, there are other reasons to be alarmed, which I am learning about here. I'm starting to see that while they aren't necessarily my enemy, I shouldn't be so quick to defend any and all immigrants of color.

  13. Greetings, Aisha!

    Guurl, I know how you feel! I've had my eye on these racist, "We're WHITE, Darn-it!" Cubans in Florida ever since they "clowned" regarding Nelson Mandela (back in the day). I truly don't care if they drown on their way here. I don't take any pleasure in hearing it, but I'm indifferent to their fate. I just don't care.

    [Obviously, this was before I came to my senses, and realized that Nelson (along with so many other continental Africans) was pimping AAs.]

    But here's the deal: I don't blame Latinos for seeking to create employment monopolies for themselves. That's what everybody EXCEPT AAs does whenever they enter an industry or field!

    Just look at the history of Irish immigrants and various police and fire departments across the US. Just look at what the Koreans are doing right now in terms of Black beauty supplies throughout the US.

    AAs are the only people who are gullible, foolish, and downright STUPID enough to freely share with others.

    This bilingual stuff is a scam in support of the ethnic cleansing of jobs. I had no idea that racist Cubans in Florida had gotten so brazen as to say out loud that only "native speakers need apply."

    My people, listen up:

    THIS is what the future for the masses of AAs will look like---Latino boots on AA necks! GOVERNMENT jobs that only "native Spanish speakers" need apply for. The Miami situation that Aisha described will spread to other areas throughout the country as Latinos take over and displace us.

    And then it will be the ASIANS' turn to put their heels on our necks. Remember this---especially the commenter who seemed to justify Negroes in New Orleans allowing a Vietnamese-American politician to replace a Black congressman in a majority Black district.]

    We must all do what we can to avoid this fate! As individuals and families. Aisha laid out a good basic strategy for personally avoiding this fate. I suggest that we all take heed of what she said.


    Greetings, Faith!

    You said, "Well speaking for the Black masses - NO!! And the thing that kills me is how so many of these so-called knowledgable and progressive sources are either just as clueless or not discussing these things....

    ...The other problem is the only discussion focusing on immigration is one that deploys a lot of racial animus or total acceptance with no boundaries or expectations."

    I find it positively terrifying to see how incompetent the vast majority of our official "thinkers" are. If well-read, educated Black folks like yourself are hearing certain things first from me (of all people), then something has gone HORRIBLY wrong!

    As usual, there are interlocking and overlapping problems that created this intellectual/political/strategic catastrophe:

    1-Many of our leaders and thinkers are idiots.

    2-Most of our people who are actually smart have MULTIPLE, DIVIDED loyalties. I find that very few intellectually gifted Black voices are 100% loyal to, and 100% dedicated to, AA interests.

    Instead, they're worried about other people's interests. Or at best, they consider AA interests along with other people's concerns.

    This is one of the underlying problems that I have with the folks pushing the "biracial, bicultural, multicultural, Cablanasian" party line. Promoting that sort of thinking involves being loyal to OTHER people.

    What all of this boils down to is that almost NOBODY is analyzing events in terms of looking out for OUR interests. Including most of our misleaders who are promoting one-sided alliances, and rainbow coalitions.

    One bright analytical spot in all of this is Dr. Claud Anderson of The Harvest Institute. I first found about him years ago from listening to an interview that he did on the local Black talk radio station. His think tank can be found at

    Here's part of his bio from The Harvest Institute:

    "Dr. Claud Anderson, is president of The Harvest Institute, a non-profit, tax exempt a nationally recognized Black think tank that works to help Black America become a self-sufficient and competitive group of people.

    Widely recognized as one of America’s most influential intellectuals and authors, Dr. Anderson has popularized Black history. His book, "Black Labor, White Wealth: A Search for Power and Economic Justice," is the foundation for the programs, policies, and research solutions of The Harvest Institute. The Institute has adopted his book, "PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America" as the blueprint for all of its activities. Dr. Anderson founded the Institute in 1993...

    ...Dr. Anderson has a broad and varied base of experiences spanning education, business, federal and state politics and successful social reform. During integration, he served as State Coordinator of Education for Governor Reubin Askew of Florida.

    While serving in that capacity, he founded the State Action Council, a coalition of Black leaders for political action in Florida. Dr. Anderson, appointed by former President Jimmy Carter, served as Assistant Secretary in the U.S. Department of Commerce where he headed the Coastal Plains Regional Commission and funded and directed economic development activities for governors in the Southeastern states.

    One of the first Blacks to own a radio station in Florida, Dr. Anderson owned radio station WOWD-FM in Tallahassee. He also served as executive director of two economic development corporations for the city of Miami. As special assistant to the 1988 Democratic Convention, he awarded 37% of the contracts to Blacks, a record that has not been reached or broken."

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  14. Peace and blessings,


    I’ve read your essay, and Reverend Lisa’s essay on the subject. Here are some of my thoughts:

    1. I believe that not only do AA’s have “multiplied and or divided” loyalties but so do white folks. Hear me out for a minute--I’m NOT using this as a justification to commit suicide! When I examine the immigration issue with Hispanics, the first step I take is to go back and learn their history. Specifically, their religious, and political history. My next step is to look at their modern nation state or in some cases tribal regions. I believe that white (with power/influence/wealth) folks have overestimated ( with the exception of the David Duke types) their ability to control some of the Hispanic community. Some white radio talk show hosts have been sounding the alarm about what this means for democracy. What this means for our nations economic system. What this means for our culture, and educational heritage. Because they often use “shock and awe” techniques they are dismissed as racist nuts--but there is some truth in what they are saying. Because they are predominately Christian, their terrorist groups, and fifth columns are going to be overlooked. I can’t recall the name of the group, but I will post it later on when I do. There are groups here that seek to take over, and subjugate all of us not just some of us. This is what I believe. White people are no longer reproducing at the rates it would take to dominate our nation--blacks are being “annihilated” by a variety of maladies. I once read a Washington Post article that stated that about 10 years from now white people WILL be a minority. In the future, I see both whites, and blacks being subjugated by Hispanics. When I look at their modern day nation states all I see is socialist/communist regimes. I believe that is the direction we are going to end up in personally. I give it 10 years.

    2. As for solutions, here is where I’m at:

    - Ascertain a masters degree or PhD --Bachelors degree are worthless internationally.


    - Pursue medicine, dentistry, nursing, or psychiatry.

    - Learn *two* languages in addition English.

    -Study the network, and class tiers of other ethnic groups.

    As you already stated learning Spanish won’t protect us from being discriminated against because all ethnic groups have gate keepers in high places. I truthfully think that the white people who sold our nation in so many different ways out of greed, and lust have no idea they will be underneath some one elses foot…


    Oh yeah, by the way: I'm NOT suprised you're a millitary history buff! LOL LOL Khadija, you have warrior "written" all over your blog! LOL LOL

  15. Peace and blessings,


    I’ve read your essay, and Reverend Lisa’s essay on the subject. Here are some of my thoughts:

    1. I believe that not only do AA’s have “multiplied and or divided” loyalties but so do white folks. Hear me out for a minute--I’m NOT using this as a justification to commit suicide! When I examine the immigration issue with Hispanics, the first step I take is to go back and learn their history. Specifically, their religious, and political history. My next step is to look at their modern nation state or in some cases tribal regions. I believe that white (with power/influence/wealth) folks have overestimated ( with the exception of the David Duke types) their ability to control some of the Hispanic community. Some white radio talk show hosts have been sounding the alarm about what this means for democracy. What this means for our nations economic system. What this means for our culture, and educational heritage. Because they often use “shock and awe” techniques they are dismissed as racist nuts--but there is some truth in what they are saying. Because they are predominately Christian, their terrorist groups, and fifth columns are going to be overlooked. I can’t recall the name of the group, but I will post it later on when I do. There are groups here that seek to take over, and subjugate all of us not just some of us. This is what I believe. White people are no longer reproducing at the rates it would take to dominate our nation--blacks are being “annihilated” by a variety of maladies. I once read a Washington Post article that stated that about 10 years from now white people WILL be a minority. In the future, I see both whites, and blacks being subjugated by Hispanics. When I look at their modern day nation states all I see is socialist/communist regimes. I believe that is the direction we are going to end up in personally. I give it 10 years.

    2. As for solutions, here is where I’m at:

    - Ascertain a masters degree or PhD --Bachelors degree are worthless internationally.


    - Pursue medicine, dentistry, nursing, or psychiatry.

    - Learn *two* languages in addition English.

    -Study the network, and class tiers of other ethnic groups.

    As you already stated learning Spanish won’t protect us from being discriminated against because all ethnic groups have gate keepers in high places. I truthfully think that the white people who sold our nation in so many different ways out of greed, and lust have no idea they will be underneath some one else’s foot…

    Talk with ya later…

  16. Aisha said:

    I think the only thing individual Blacks can do is make sure their education and personal achievements are top of the line, so they won't be competing for jobs that a non-English speaker can do.

    My response:

    I think this is a necessity; but it is a temporary solution at best. You see, what is happening is that Hispanic people are coming here and their goal is to achieve and become full-fledged white Americans. What will we do when their children are born here and speak English fluently (native speakers) and have a couple of degrees under their belt? They will still have the same mentality. Many of them will still only hire Hispanics and exclude Blacks. I saw this dynamic in Los Angeles ( I lived there for 7 years). In Los Angeles, you already have professional black people being excluded from jobs WITH the collusion of silly//self-hating blacks.

    I have thought about this issue for a long time. My conclusion is this:

    Black people as individuals and small groups need to position themselves as dominate powerbrokers in whatever they do. AND they must operate on an international scale. This is not as difficult as it sounds. It can be done on a small or large scale. For example: A black secretary living in Miami may be experiencing discrimination and unable to find work in the Hispanic stronghold. One thing she might do is using the internet and her skills offer her services to others around the country and world. Let's say she's a wizard at MSExcel. She could specialize in creating Excel documents for companies small and large around the world. Also, since English is an international/bridge language (not Spanish) she has an advantage as a native speaker. That's just one example of how we may want to operate in the long-term. And of course this example is a small, simple one but I want to use it because it illustrates that anyone can use these strategies.

  17. I want to say something very controversial. (LOL) Hopefully I won't get flamed. But more education is not going to get us out of this situation. We need economic power to change our situation and you don't need higher degrees to do that. A matter of fact, it may be in the interest of some of us to forgo college educations entirely and focus on trades and starting businesses. My grandfather only had a 4th grade education but when he died he left behind property and money for my grandmother.

    Also, depending on your class background, getting higher degrees may put you back financially (ie student loans). And even if you have a college degree you still need those who actually own the businesses to hire you. Don't get me wrong, education can be a good thing; but it needs to be put into its proper perspective. Here in Europe folks with Master's degrees are working as secretaries. LOL

    I only have a bachelor's degree; but I'm better off financially than some of my more educated friends. It is not the degree that will make you successful it is the strategy that you implement with or without your degree. I realized this soon after graduating college and consciously decided AGAINST pursuing more education which would have put in into extraordinary debt. That was one of the BEST decisions I ever made. But of course each person life course will determine how much education he/she really needs.

  18. Khadija, the AA women in the black residential area near me aren't aware of what's even going on in neighboring communities or counties, let alone country because they're grappling with basic survival issues: safety (physical & emotional), food, and shelter and in that order. This is VERY real for them.

    I don't blame Latinos for seeking to create employment monopolies for themselves. That's what everybody EXCEPT AAs does whenever they enter an industry or field!

    Co-signing Khadija. THIS this is where it's at. It's a waste of energy to blame other groups for moving ahead of AAs and doing the sensible things they need to do for their OWN. Instead, those AAs who are conscious enough need to get their backsides in motion and study these other groups and adopt what they do (what many AAs USED to do), and if not, then according to 'survival of the fittest' or evolution, nature is not going to show any mercy.

    Throughout the years of my marriage to him, my ex-husband (a Nigerian--for those who don't know this by now) was and still is in the position to hire professional people at his job and when he and I were together, he almost always hired other Nigerians from HIS OWN ethnic group(tribe) IF he could--or he would try to hire AAs (out of respect, due to his marriage to me) IF he could find qualified AAs (for upper level accounting/computer) jobs. Or he would hire other Nigerians, then other Africans, and he would, of course, sprinkle in a few whites, etc. The company he worked for was uniquely situated and his output level (he was a workaholic) was such that this was not questionned by his superiors, and when it was (as did happen on several occasions by disgruntled folks who didn't get hired), he knew how to do damage control.

    The record shows that this pattern has ALWAYS been the case among humans, and whites & others have laid out this pattern in the modern world because ALL groups must do their best to insure that their group survives. Or else. AAs don't do this due to irreparable damage and damage continues to be ignored. This is why so many black folks got/get furious at me for labeling a large number of AA males as DBRs. The bulk of AAs refuse to recognize the damage and call it what it is and this is why they feel they must make continual excuses to cover up their previous excuses and enabling of the DBR behavior.

    There is too much damage concentrated among AAs at this time for the whole group of us to be able to successfully compete with these other groups now. On top of that, we have no reasonably uplifting culture to ease the damage or guide us in organizing ourselves, and these other groups have that type of culture. So AA women have got to go it alone or align themselves with groups of likeminded others and of course with Quality men.

    Looking out for their own group members first and foremost is NEVER going to change for these other groups. Over time, groups will include more people in their groups (due to marriage and sometimes out of necessity) and these individuals will derive same or similar benefits, but shrewd groups (meaning those who have the WILL to and intelligence to survive) do NOT give the goodies away to other groups. BTW, I define "intelligence" by the ability to survive over time and their ability to equip their offspring with the wherewithal to survive--even if they can't read. Many of our AA ancestors were supremely intelligent, for ex. though many of them couldn't read. Claiming that you're intelligent when you're not able to survive is laughable--for any average adult.

    By and large, people do not share scarce resources or the best resources unless they are FORCED to share--though sometimes they will throw out crumbs here and there, to appease others. For ex. sometimes, my ex would sometimes hire others to prevent complaints.

    The bulk of AAs no longer have the WILL to survive--due to (drum roll) massive internalized feelings of low regard for self and for other black people, places and things, and this is ALSO true among a large percentage of African-descended people in the world (including those in Africa). That spiritual component or the WILL is ailing or gone.

    So, the AA resentment/anger towards other groups--this is purely WASTED energy and time because the anger doesn't ***fuel*** their doing anything differently. You mentioned how you recycled your anger into a fuel to get yourself through law school, but a typical AA is not nearly conscious enough to do that, so their anger is wasted and usually produces a negative return in MOST cases.

    However, I've noticed some nuances insofar as the anger is concerned. Remember what I said last week that: a behavior does NOT continue unless it's rewarded? Well, when you look at the constant anger stewing among AAs at the "system" and de evil wm and as well the mysogynism among AA males, etc., the chief reward for being angry is that it ***bonds*** angry AAs to other angry AAs. This prevents or eases much of the feelings of isolation and alienation among those who adopt these angry postures.

    In other words, if not for the anger, many AAs would have nothing in common with other AAs. Anger and suffering are the main bonding agents these days among some of these segments. Anger and suffering have become the glue or the pillars of AA "culture." They keep AAs together.

    Also, I'm sure you've noticed how some AA males USE their virulent anger (mysogynism) towards AA women to rationalize their dating, mating, marrying, and enriching non-bw and abandoning black "communities," black children, and black issues in general. SOME AA males are ***using*** their anger (and regard it as 'righteous' anger towards bw) to empower themselves (like you did)and some of them are doing it consciously to cut themselves away from the AA group. Their anger towards "all the terrible bw" REWARDS them greatly in this way because it makes them feel they had no choice but to abandon black children and black issues. This is why these males constantly have their laundry list of all the things wrong with AA women at their fingertips. This is why I've pointed out that it's pointless for AA women to try to improve--if they're doing it to get a bm. They should do it to improve themselves for their own sake and to be better able to compete for QUALITY men and other quality resources in the global arena. At any rate, AA women can expect plenty more of this anger from bm.

    It's critical for bw to remember that no behavior continues unless it's rewarded.

    Considering all of this, a typical AA woman can only afford to invest a minimal amount of time and energy among AAs because the return is going to be minimal. This is why I've decided to invest my minimal amount in AA females ONLY and I'm even shrinking that to younger black females these days.

    Other than that, I've gotten a much greater return by investing in various other communities. Each individual woman has the right to get the best return on her investment that she can and if she doesn't do that, all the rest will be useless commentary about her suffering and her demise.

  19. This is good commentary. I want to add if there are any bw living in the South please try to move. The Southern Republican Governors are fighting tooth and nail to stop blacks from getting any of this stimulus money. If you live in Tennessee,Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana; run way from these states. Plan your exit.
    Also I want black women to know that Beverly is not the only sister who is escaping from these holes. I met online a sister from Evans,Ga who has recently left for Germany and she is thrilled with her new life and another who is looking for work in Europe too.
    I do have to caution some of our overzealous sisters. You must have a concrete plan. You must not quite your job and move to a foreign country with no work permit. It is very imperative to find work overseas and let the employer get you a visa. As I am typing this there is a bw who did this. She is trying to find work in England. Don't put yourself out there without a job or some hefty savings.

  20. Oops! I meant "misogyny" above.

  21. Beverly said:

    I only have a bachelor's degree; but I'm better off financially than some of my more educated friends. It is not the degree that will make you successful it is the strategy that you implement with or without your degree.

    I agree with Beverly (no flaming from me, lol!). I'd like to add that AA may need to rethink the TYPES of education we receive (i.e. liberal arts vs more specific such as engineering vs trade school, etc). I'm not discounting a college education for anyone, as I have a degree myself. That said, everything I've learned about critical/"outside the box" thinking wasn't inside a classroom or a textbook.

    If one wants to go to college, especially if one doesn't have to worry about being weighed down in student loans, by all means pursue it. But as Khadija said: (by itself) is NOT some sort of magic key to prosperity.

    It's a tool to aid, not the end all be all. That's why I'll never knock a person who, due to their desire to learn a trade or develop a certain skill set(not because of laziness, mind you), decides to delay or completely forego a traditional college education.

  22. Greetings, SisterSeeking/Miriam!

    You said, "I believe that not only do AA’s have “multiplied and or divided” loyalties but so do white folks."

    I disagree. Wealthy White business owners will undercut working class and poor Whites by hiring Mexican illegal aliens, but they are still loyal to ONE, WHITE, entity: rich Whites in their own economic class.

    When was the last time you heard Whites (or anybody else) say in reference to any issue: "[fill in the blank non-Black ethnic group] AND Blacks..."? They don't do this. Instead, they speak of their own group's interests ALONE.

    By contrast, AA Negro leaders are ALWAYS saying, "Blacks AND Latinos..." Our people tend to say "Blacks AND Latinos..." as a knee-jerk reflex. Some of us also like to say "Blacks AND biracials..." as a knee-jerk reflex. Very few of us ever speak of our interests ALONE.

    The bottom line is that we include other people, and nobody else includes us. We tend to have loyalties to other people, while they remain loyal to their group ALONE. I'm not saying that these other groups are wrong. No, WE'RE the ones who are wrong by engaging in this idiotic, self-defeating behavior.

    You said, "White people are no longer reproducing at the rates it would take to dominate our nation--blacks are being “annihilated” by a variety of maladies. I once read a Washington Post article that stated that about 10 years from now white people WILL be a minority."

    I disagree. This "majority of minorities" notion is a fairy tale that AAs like to tell ourselves so we don't have to face how truly ALONE (without any true allies whatsoever) we are in this country.

    European-descended Whites will simply do what they're already doing to avoid this fate: They will redefine "Whiteness" to include Latinos, Arabs, half-Asians and other NON-BLACKS in order to retain a WHITE-identified majority in this country.

    This has already happened. I see it everyday in the police reports, social service agency, and other government-issued documents I read.

    Any Latino who is not undeniably Black (as in blue-black skin without a single strand of hair that could be called wavy hair) is categorized as "White" in these documents. Any Middle Eastern person is categorized as "White" in these documents. Deep brown East Indians are also categorized as "White."

    The only people EXCLUDED from the "becoming White" party is US!

    Not to mention that the VAST majority of Latinos, Arabs, etc. that I've ever encountered SWEAR to God that they are White (regardless of their physical appearance).

    Greetings, Evia!

    You said, "the AA women in the black residential area near me aren't aware of what's even going on in neighboring communities or counties, let alone country because they're grappling with basic survival issues: safety (physical & emotional), food, and shelter and in that order. This is VERY real for them."

    I know. The problem is that even those of us who have the basic resources that give us time to think are also not paying attention.

    You said, "It's a waste of energy to blame other groups for moving ahead of AAs and doing the sensible things they need to do for their OWN. Instead, those AAs who are conscious enough need to get their backsides in motion and study these other groups and adopt what they do (what many AAs USED to do), and if not, then according to 'survival of the fittest' or evolution, nature is not going to show any mercy....

    ...Looking out for their own group members first and foremost is NEVER going to change for these other groups....shrewd groups (meaning those who have the WILL to and intelligence to survive) do NOT give the goodies away to other groups."

    True that. Part of the problem is that AAs have been brainwashed AWAY from recognizing the patterns of natural ethnic group competition for resources.

    AAs have been hypnotized into all sorts of magical thinking. Including the crazy thoughts you earlier described, such as "If I'm nice to others, they'll be nice to me. For free."

    AAs also seem to think that these various other people are automatically our allies, instead of rivals for resources. It's long past time for us to wake up and grow up.

    You said, "Well, when you look at the constant anger stewing among AAs at the "system" and de evil wm and as well the mysogynism among AA males, etc., the chief reward for being angry is that it ***bonds*** angry AAs to other angry AAs. This prevents or eases much of the feelings of isolation and alienation among those who adopt these angry postures.

    In other words, if not for the anger, many AAs would have nothing in common with other AAs. Anger and suffering are the main bonding agents these days among some of these segments. Anger and suffering have become the glue or the pillars of AA "culture." They keep AAs together."

    This is true. Historically, we've mostly been united by shared suffering and by being rejected by others.

    Anger without action is insufficient. However, I will never deny people the right to be angry. As I said when we discussed this earlier, the slave was never permitted to be angry. No matter what. I'm not encouraging our people to go back to those emotionally-stunted days.

    You also reminded me of something that the blogger Focused Purpose said. IIRC, she said something to the effect that BM only bond around misogyny, their own sense of victimization, and porn. {shaking my head}

    It seems to me that coming together and bonding around protecting and providing for BW and children will NEVER be on their agenda. Certainly not in any mass numbers.

    Thank you for sharing the "real deal" of how your ex-husband decided who to hire. Hopefully, that inside view will clear things up for those audience members who are still on Fantasy Island about how jobs are doled out.

    You said, "There is too much damage concentrated among AAs at this time for the whole group of us to be able to successfully compete with these other groups now. On top of that, we have no reasonably uplifting culture to ease the damage or guide us in organizing ourselves, and these other groups have that type of culture. So AA women have got to go it alone or align themselves with groups of likeminded others and of course with Quality men."

    I agree. I'm never really addressing "the whole group" of AAs in my posts. I'm talking to the segment of our population that is open to doing what we must in order to survive and thrive. This is a think-tank for those of us who are like-minded enough to sort through some issues, and design strategies for our personal survival and abundance.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  23. Greetings, Daphne!

    You said, "I agree with Beverly (no flaming from me, lol!). I'd like to add that AA may need to rethink the TYPES of education we receive (i.e. liberal arts vs more specific such as engineering vs trade school, etc). I'm not discounting a college education for anyone, as I have a degree myself. That said, everything I've learned about critical/"outside the box" thinking wasn't inside a classroom or a textbook."

    I agree. Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and Min. Farrakhan have all talked about this at length: If all a Black person can do after college, grad school, or professional school is beg (their former slavemasters) for a job, then they aren't very well educated! And they didn't get the PROPER education. The type that prepares one to be self-sufficient and independent.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  24. Ok, my mind is going a mile a minute right now, lol. I'm really contemplating what Beverly said about education vs. economic power. I think some type of business ownership/self-employment really is the answer. I never, ever in my life saw myself working for someone as a long-term career-I am too autonomous for that. But now I see the necessity of it.

    In terms of language, I'm thinking it would be wise to pick up a language that not many other people in the U.S. speak, such as German, Chinese, Arabic, etc. For example,it would probably be more lucrative (due to supply vs. demand) to land a German translation project than a Spanish one. And I'm sure the government would LOVE to have some Arab-speaking Americans for various (nefarious) purposes, lol.

    One area where I see some young Black women becoming enterprising is that of natural hair care products. It's a well-known fact that Black people spend more on hair-care products than any other group. And of course, the Koreans have cornered the beauty supply market and now lock AA's out.

    However, there is a growing population of Black women who are choosing not to chemically straighten their hair. Many of these women are willing and able to spend money on high quality, natural ingredients hair products. Companies that are very popular include Miss Jessie's, Kinky Curly, Curls, etc. Some of these women aren't much older than myself, and I know they are doing well. Black women love these companies because the owners understand their hair needs since they have the same type of hair. These business owners saw a neglected niche and filled it.

    However, even in THIS area I see some problems. Some of these hair product companies are targeted towards "biracial" hair. The owners are biracial/multiracial women and market the products to their own people. Yet AA women are still ALL over these products, even though the names are exclusive (ex:Mixed Chicks).

    There's nothing wrong with marketing to a certain hair TYPE, but these women are marketing towards a particular (mixed)RACE. Biracial people don't even have one particular hair type. Look at Lenny Kravitz-I'm sure they don't have his hair in mind. Some of these companies saw the error of their ways and made amends to include AA women, because that's where the $$$ is. So I think AA women need to reign it in and make sure they get their slice of the pie.

    Anyway, sorry for the long-winded tangent, but my mental juices are flowing right now. I'm connecting the dots, lol. I look forward to the rest of this discussion.

  25. Hello there, Aisha!

    You said, "Ok, my mind is going a mile a minute right now, lol. I'm really contemplating what Beverly said about education vs. economic power."

    That's how excited I get when readers such as yourself contribute empowering, actionable ideas! THANK YOU!!!

    You said, "However, even in THIS area I see some problems. Some of these hair product companies are targeted towards "biracial" hair. The owners are biracial/multiracial women and market the products to their own people. Yet AA women are still ALL over these products, even though the names are exclusive (ex:Mixed Chicks)."

    Isn't that a hot mess?! Yet again, we stick to our self-defeating "tradition": somebody insults us and/or makes a point of excluding us, and we break down to the door to give them our money. Hmmph.

    You said, "Some of these companies saw the error of their ways and made amends to include AA women, because that's where the $$$ is. So I think AA women need to reign it in and make sure they get their slice of the pie."

    Yep. Some enterprising BLACK women need to enter this business niche, and relieve the self-proclaimed "biracials" of the previously unwanted burden of accepting BLACK women's money. With a quickness.

    You said, "Anyway, sorry for the long-winded tangent, but my mental juices are flowing right now. I'm connecting the dots, lol. I look forward to the rest of this discussion."

    There's no need to apologize. I love "meaty," substantive comments. I'm also thinking some things through as I participate in these conversations.

    Aisha, thank you so much for elevating the level of this conversation. You've helped us all!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  26. There's a story in today's (2/24/09) New York Times about the narco war spillover from Mexico: "Wave of Drug Violence Is Creeping Into Arizona From Mexico, Officials Say."

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  27. Thank you so much, I'm happy I was finally able to contribute. I'm always in the background reading.

  28. Evia said: "In other words, if not for the anger, many AAs would have nothing in common with other AAs. Anger and suffering are the main bonding agents these days among some of these segments. Anger and suffering have become the glue or the pillars of AA "culture." They keep AAs together."

    For years, I've been scared to say this. I thought that thinking that way would revoke my Black (some would say "ghetto") pass. It became especially clear when I started therapy. I started to see that there was nothing that necessitated any of the sista friendships that I had. All we had in common was that we were Black, female, straight, and/or angry.

    I totally agree with the idea of pursuing self-interests without guilt. I just wish that more of us would quit singing "Kumbaya."

    I have a sista friend who isn't interested in patronizing Black businesses unless she has to (e.g., hair salons). I'm always looking to help a brotha/sista out.

    I remember learning of Carver Savings Bank (Black-owned) a few years ago and I noticed it one day when I was driving in Harlem. I was on the phone with the sista friend and said "Oh, there goes Carver."

    She said "What's that?"

    "It's a Black-owned bank."

    "I don't care about stuff like that."

    "And that's why Black people don't have anything."

    These "Kumbaya"-singing, Black nationalism-knocking, Black power-mocking dolts make up a large number of the BC. So many of them are high off of consumerism so they don't care about much else. What is there to do about them? In survival of the fittest terms, should we just watch them "die off?"

  29. Greetings, Anonymiss!

    You said, "For years, I've been scared to say this. I thought that thinking that way would revoke my Black (some would say "ghetto") pass."

    I WANT to have what most brain-dead AAs consider to be my "Black pass" revoked! LOL! Here's why:

    In order to survive, thrive, and make connections with QUALITY people, we MUST make ourselves separate and distinct from the typical "acting Black crew." As Evia has noted before, "typical" AAs are NOT ally material. For a variety of reasons.

    We will have to "re-brand" ourselves. The current, typical AA "brand name" is not an attractive one. Nobody wants it around. Often, for good reason.

    AAs who are about surviving and thriving will have to do something similar to what Latinos are doing. They are in the midst of re-branding themselves as a hardworking, model minority like the Asians have advertised themselves to be. This is a large part of why Latinos are busy distancing themselves from AAs.

    Latinos can't market their ethnic group as hardworking, etc. if they are hugged up to a bunch of people (guess who--LOL!) who have allowed themselves to become the public face of welfare.

    We must do the same thing, and distance ourselves from the idiots and Fantasy Island residents among our group. This means we should let them die in the wilderness while they freebase off of consumerism, etc.

    Personally, I won't even spend the mental energy it takes to watch them die-off. I'm too busy with my survive and thrive efforts to watch these fools.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  30. This has been an excellent post and think tank. I have an Associate Degree in computer programming and I am about to get another one in computer support. I will admit that I have not been as productive as I should with my education. Also, I have natural talents that I could use to start several micro businesses but I have a tendency to self-doubt my abilities. Part of this is because of my upbringing.

    My mother would encourage me to put my micro business ideas into practice but for some odd reason she seemed to recant want she said by bringing up all sorts of disaster scenarios. Recently I thought about either starting a personal cooking business out of our apartment or checking to see if the local authorities would accept the office/club house kitchen as an industrial one. Of course, the health department would have to perform regular checks to see if both kitchens meet sanitation regulations. She seemed vehemently opposed to the idea of using our apartment kitchen and even the office/club house kitchen as an industrial one. She was concerned about cleanliness. I was thinking in my head that you would give up the opportunity for use to earn much needed extra money because of cleanliness. I figured that if the business was a moderate success we both should scrub our whole apartment down 10 times, if we had to.

    I am not giving up on my plans to start a personal cooking business. I know I have the talent because I have prepared different meals for potlucks, school functions, etc and often someone asks for the recipe. Sometimes people even request that I prepare the meal for them.

  31. In all fairness, let me add the following:

    The "re-branding" that I mentioned before is sometimes one of the motives underlying the phenomenon of "Don't Call Me Black" self-proclaimed "biracials."

    There are practical reasons (above and beyond hatred of other Blacks) to do all that one can to remove oneself from the "typical AA" category.

    HOWEVER...It's possible for those of us who are sane to "re-brand" away from the idiots WITHOUT re-branding away from our racial heritage. We CAN be proudly, unapologetically BLACK and SUPERIOR-QUALITY people.

    If anything, I say those of us who are QUALITY Black folks should revoke the Negro idiots' "Black passes" and start calling them something else....perhaps, something like "negroes," or "coloreds"...whatever.

    Why should we allow them to sully the terms for OUR racial identity?

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  32. Greetings, JS!

    Thank you for your kind words about the post and think tank. I truly appreciate it.

    You said, "Also, I have natural talents that I could use to start several micro businesses but I have a tendency to self-doubt my abilities. Part of this is because of my upbringing."

    Other Black folks are doing it. YOU CAN DO IT, TOO! Please read Tim Ferriss' book, The 4-Hour Workweek.

    In the meantime, please read the Business Week article I linked to in the Extended Reader's Money Quote post [directly above this post]. It describes how a Black couple are running micro-multinational businesses out of their home! Also, the wife is selling her own baby food!

    Here are the first 2 paragraphs from the article:

    "From the outside, the gray Victorian with the stained-glass windows on a gentrified block in Dorchester, Mass., is a typical middle-class dream house. But it also is the headquarters of what you might call a micro-multinational. Randy and Nicola Wilburn run real estate, consulting, design, and baby food companies out of their home. They do it by taking outsourcing to the extreme.

    Professionals from around the globe are at their service. For $300, an Indian artist designed the cute logo of an infant peering over the words "Baby Fresh Organic Baby Foods" and Nicola's letterhead. A London freelancer wrote promotional materials. Randy has hired "virtual assistants" in Jerusalem to transcribe voice mail, update his Web site, and design PowerPoint graphics. Retired brokers in Virginia and Michigan handle real estate paperwork."

    Peace, blessings, and solidarity.

  33. Thanks for this post. This is why the Internet is the last uncharted frontier. I've met Blacks who are either clueless as well as angry/antagonistic towards other Blacks OR who may know better but are condescending/don't want to share knowledge so this is why so many of us are wandering in the wilderness.

    There was a point for me when I realized focusing on book studies had not prepared me in dealing with life - that and a chaotic childhood. For me the most important thing was having "freedom" to do as I wished. Again I've had to learn how to be free and yet not hampered by past hurts or my own poor choices.

    Anyway I've been wanting to have a coffee shop for years and I met a coffee consultant in passing (but I don't believe in coincidences) last week who was very amenable to helping me. He's a white guy so yes, I will seek out this opportunity.

    This also makes me think about the protectionism of other countries for their native citizens to not be overrun and displaced by immigrants. I used to think of it from a sphere of racism only but it is also to survive, heh? In Holland for example they have one set of rent for native Dutch and another for all foreigners. The Dutch rent rate is dirt cheap ($300 for a 1BR) and these are in good neighborhoods as well off of the canals. It's like the equivalent of a $2000 + apt here.

    And yes white people native to the US may want to deny and ignore the slavery legacy but it's a base with we've operated from. Other people don't have that and are not always willing to acknowledge it.

  34. I just wanted make a quick comment about black people being united by pain. Ultimately, I do not think that it is healthy to base an entire group's identity on the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and racism. I just saw on a comment on another blog from a poster claiming that their black identity is based on the previously mentioned horrific history. Why would anybody want to associate with a people who base their identity on pain? I compare this situation to a child who has been sexually molested. Should that child base their entire existence on child rape when they become an adult? It would be healthier to recognize the pain and seek therapy to help lessen the trauma and move on to more productive aspirations.

  35. Hello there, Faith!

    You're right. Other countries DON'T allow immigrants to overrun their cities. Thanks for sharing the info about Holland. I didn't know any of that about Holland, but I did know that this is why the North African riots have been in the suburbs of France.

    French slums are in the suburbs. The poor immigrants are in the slums in the suburbs. The French are determined to keep their historical cities (especially "jewel in the crown" Paris) NICE. It would appear that Western Europeans are NOT into the US model of allowing undesirables to totally overrun their major cities.

    Ahhh...a coffee shop...{warm, fuzzy memories}...I whiled away many hours in such places as a college student. {sigh}

    Hello there, JS!

    You're right about the abused child analogy. It IS a very strange thing to ONLY unite around pain.

    It's not PC of me to say this as a straight person, but I've always found it peculiar that so many gays have formed a whole personal identity that totally revolves around their sexual orientation---and nothing else. I can see how much of that is the result of oppression. But still...that can't be healthy.

    I can't imagine a comparable thing. I can't imagine funnelling ALL of who I am into being heterosexual---period. [The very thought sounds crazy.] Even though this part of my identity DOES inform and impact so much of my life, there's also a lot more to me than simply being a straight woman.

    The bottom line is that those of us who are sane and productive need to form POSITIVE bonds to each other. Bonds based on like-minded interests, goals and pursuits.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  36. Re bw finding and exploiting niches, I remember reading that before the Jews were classified and accepted as "white" in the U.S. they were of course discriminated against (in the earlier part of the 1900s and prior). So this niche-exploiting/dominating is exactly what they did.

    They looked for niches that regular or WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) whites weren't interested in. For ex., the Jews discovered that these other whites considered dealing with sick people and blood and mess as repulsive to "regular" WASP sensibilities, so the Jews focused their attention on becoming health practitioners and dealing with blood and guts. Naturally, other whites purchased their services because NOBODY loves pain and death, LOL! so this is how they got their toehold in the medical establishment and in major urban areas like NYC, they've dominated the medical profession. The same goes for education. Jewish kids were discriminated against, ridiculed, and shunned by other whites, so the Jews (who it appears historically place value on intellectual pursuits) realized that this was another niche to occupy, necessitated by need. Once again, the Jews in NYC (I don't know about other major urban areas)became dominant in the area of the education profession, which they combined with the medical profession, thus we have huge numbers of Jewish-dominated medical establishments and medical professionals throughout the country.

    Also, many of them became shop owners because other whites would not hire the so-called "dirty Jews," or treated them like dirt and "Christ-killers." They were money-lenders and this also was a reason they were labelled as greedy, mistreated, and shunned. Once again, they used their (historical) knowledge of money and finance to become dominant in this area--to the extent that some people now believe that Jewish bankers control the world.

    Asians have done the same thing (niche-filling) with their fresh fish and vegetable markets, hair care products, nail salons, and middle easterners are doing it with buying up hotels/motels, liquor stores, convenience stores, etc. in certain parts of the country. They're filling niches that whites have vacated or slacked off from and that AAs don't have the sense/knowledge/organization/desire to fill.

    I've said all of that to ask: what natural or historically-shaped skills, talents, abilities, knowledge, inclinations, etc. is it that AA women EXCEL at or could more easily learn to excel at that could be used as a foundation for exploiting and/or dominating niches? Or which niches do those natural talents and inclinations point toward? Or what needs are there out there that bw could meet and market with success?

    Regarding re-branding ourselves, this is SO necessary!!! I talked about this 2 years ago in a post was vilified for it, but it's just plain common sense. We cannot stop the "acting black crew" from acting black, and I'm thrilled that more of us are seeing the need to separate from them. First of all, those of us who want no part of that crew need a name. A new brand needs a name. What do those of us with common sense call ourselves? The common sensers? The AA common sensers? AACS? There I go again with my acronyms. LOL! Ideally, the acronym should be an easy word to say.

    And we SHOULD be proud of our BLACK heritage as AA women in this country! I could not support any effort that would even hint at me separating from my black female ancestors. Since I was taught to value myself, I've never allowed anyone to 'steal my crown,' so this has never been an issue for me. I am PROUD of my AA female ancestors. As a matter of fact, they are my STRONGEST motivation for urging black women to save themselves--because it is from them that I know that AA women are of GREAT value. We have SHOWN this all throughout history and NOW. Only DBR-blacks and racists think that AA women are less-thans. Our AA female ancestors had NO connection with this "acting black" insanity.

    I have a sista friend who isn't interested in patronizing Black businesses unless she has to (e.g., hair salons). I'm always looking to help a brotha/sista out.

    Lack of support from other blacks is just a reality, but we shouldn't spend energy on them. Many other blacks will support a successful effort because sensible people are attracted to sensible, successful others because success and progress = LIFE. I also seek out like-minded black professionals and businesses to patronize and there ARE some of us who do that. If you start selling the kind of products that I want and need, I WILL start ordering from you. And we could start doing that ONLINE. There are many online businesses. So, we should focus on this market AND the non-black market because lots of people will buy QUALITY items and services, irrespective of the seller's skin shade.

  37. Hello there, Evia!

    You said, "I've said all of that to ask: what natural or historically-shaped skills, talents, abilities, knowledge, inclinations, etc. is it that AA women EXCEL at or could more easily learn to excel at that could be used as a foundation for exploiting and/or dominating niches? Or which niches do those natural talents and inclinations point toward? Or what needs are there out there that bw could meet and market with success?"

    This is an EXCELLENT, forward-moving question that I've been (excitedly) thinking about all day today.

    After reflection, I think that Beverly "called it" in her Reader's Money Quote: There are already many, many BW who are working as clerical support staff (secretaries, administrative assistants, etc.). Such women could use these same skills that they've already developed to dominate the "virtual assistant" market.

    After checking out the outsourcing projects companies listed in the article I linked to, it's clear that there's plenty of businesses that will pay for the following services on an individual project basis:

    *data entry


    *accounting assistants (bookkeeping, financial documents)

    *claims and coding (re: insurance claims)

    *medical billing and transcription

    *order entry assistants (enter data and confirm online orders)

    If Indians with questionable English language skills are doing these assignments, so could we! The only sticking point that I see is that this requires more BW to get OUT of the passive employee mindset.

    However, I believe that soon many of us won't any choice but to become more enterprising. It would be a good idea for those of us who have these skills to start looking into doing virtual assistant side work while we still have full-time jobs. I'll mention this to the sensible Black secretaries and administrative assistants that I know.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  38. Evia, here's another thought about re-branding:

    This is not new for AAs. Several groups with different ideologies have seen the need to re-brand their members AWAY from the dysfunctions of the AA collective. I can think of 3 such groups that had quite different ideologies.

    From its very beginning in the 1930s, the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad made a distinction between its members [who were "Asiatic BLACK men and women"]; and the confused, self-hating masses of AAs at the time [who were referred to as "so-called Negroes"].

    That Nation members made a point of calling themselves "Black" DECADES before AAs accepted that self-description.

    Also, there was a period when Imam Warithudeen Mohammed encouraged his followers to refer to themselves as "Bilalian." This was in honor of Islam's very first caller to prayer, a Black man named Bilal who was from Abyssinia.

    Also, from the very beginning of the 20th century, members of the Moorish Science Temple have referred to themselves as "Moors."

    I'm mentioning all of this to point out that, in these cases [especially regarding the NOI], the re-branding efforts were not necessarily anti-Black. These efforts were anti-mass AA dysfunction. There IS a difference.

    In terms of our current situation, I'm loathe to concede the "Black" label to these nuts in the "acting 'Black' crew." Perhaps we need a phrase for THEM, like "so-called Blacks."

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  39. Regarding re-branding ourselves, this is SO necessary!!! I talked about this 2 years ago in a post was vilified for it, but it's just plain common sense. We cannot stop the "acting black crew" from acting black, and I'm thrilled that more of us are seeing the need to separate from them. First of all, those of us who want no part of that crew need a name. A new brand needs a name. What do those of us with common sense call ourselves? The common sensers? The AA common sensers? AACS? There I go again with my acronyms. LOL! Ideally, the acronym should be an easy word to say.

    Evia and Khadija I second and third the idea of creating a distinction from popular black thought. indeed may I offer here that it seems this is what we are talking about; 'a school of thought' and being distinguished by a take on black life that is different from the general view (and yes inclined towards comonsense). So in essence it is about separating from black dysfunctional thinking and becoming 'black comonsensers' for instance!

    sometimes in my discussion with colleagues and freinds, they can see that I think and reason 'differently' from popular black 'wisdom' and i do sometimes wish I could say, 'Yes I am a ....... (like you would say I am a marxist or something), and point them to a rescource or website were they can understand the core concepts of that way of thought!

  40. Greetings, Halima!

    You said, "Evia and Khadija I second and third the idea of creating a distinction from popular black thought. indeed may I offer here that it seems this is what we are talking about; 'a school of thought' and being distinguished by a take on black life that is different from the general view (and yes inclined towards comonsense). So in essence it is about separating from black dysfunctional thinking and becoming 'black comonsensers' for instance!" of thought...sort of like various political ideologies...

    This is a very good idea. I also like the "school of thought" analogy because schools of thought usually have single-word identifiers: conservative, progressive, liberal, etc. [Which roll off the tongue easier than acronyms or multiple-word descriptions.]

    I'll have to think about it and look at the various labels for different ideologies over the years.

    Hello there, Beverly!

    Unfortunately, I've heard some "acting Black" nuts call themselves African-American. {sigh}

    You said, "But not just that I disown the low-class culture of much of Hip Hop and tell people that that is not African American culture. Then I point to the traditions of Jazz, Blues and classic R&B and say, that is African American culture."

    {raised fist salute}

    I'm quick to point out to non-Blacks that hip-hop is NOT a reflection of Black/AA culture. Hip-hop is a reflection of PRISON/CRIMINAL/UNDERWORLD subculture! Hip-hop's various "fashions" came straight from the prison yards at maximum security facilities.

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  41. "You see, what is happening is that Hispanic people are coming here and their goal is to achieve and become full-fledged white Americans. " - Beverly

    I was at a meeting for educators and a white man complained about the exact same situation you described. There are Mexican mothers enrolling their children as white, but when you look in the classroom there are 50 percent students with brown eyes and dark hair. But, when it is time for college grants or scholarships the student applies as hispanic.

    Blacks who made their living in food service, hospitality, construction or janitorial businesses are in for a rude awakening. Those who have to be employed in these industries will be in an work enviroment where the entire work day will be with co-workers speaking majority Spanish and Spanish ONLY even when they do know how to speak English. They still won't speak even it's just as a courtesy to other co-workers.

    The Middle Eastern, Asian and Mexican "gatekeepers" (Kadija's term) business owners or managers are blatant and unapologetic about hiring their OWN.

    It has become extremely difficult for high school and college students to work odd jobs while they attend school or for summer work. AA youth must be taugt at a young age how to start a business.

  42. Greetings, Energize!

    You said, "I was at a meeting for educators and a white man complained about the exact same situation you described. There are Mexican mothers enrolling their children as white, but when you look in the classroom there are 50 percent students with brown eyes and dark hair. But, when it is time for college grants or scholarships the student applies as hispanic."

    Guurl, they are WORKING all of the angles! "Working it" hard. Working it strong. Working it long. Working it to the very last drop!

    I don't blame them. This is what everybody EXCEPT us does. I'm just determined to NOT help Latinos, or anybody else, "work it" at my people's expense.

    We need to "work it" too!

    Peace, blessings and solidarity.

  43. Everyone: Please check out the news story I've linked to in the addendum to this post.

    During the last few days, I've seen increasing numbers of news stories about this scenario. I wonder what's up with that...

  44. Hello Khadija,

    I was aware of the issues in Mexico for a few years. I used to go to Mexico frequently as I could get goods and services cheaper there than in the US, but many with comparable quality to good in the US. I started noticing around two years ago the locals in certain areas would clear out around 2-3pm and would tell me to do the same.

    I have witnessed the Cuban discrimination via my religion. We have a Cuban branch and many Cubans do not like that AAs are drawn to the religion.

    Many Cubans feel as though AA's should be grateful that they preserved albeit a 'bastardized' version of the religion- many services are held entirely in Spanish even though the liturgical language is Yoruba.

    Many Cubans are reluctant to initiate AAs and train AAs and anything African is attacked. It has been stated outright that the Cuban way is more valid than the African way (from which the Cuban way is descended) and all kinds of nonsense.

    So I could see that happening in a job situation.


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