Friday, April 3, 2009

Wildest Dreams Check-In, Week 13-Final Power 90/P90X Wrap-Up

Today is Day 88 of the Power 90/P90X program. And this is my final check-in that I devote to talking about workouts.

Gold Star Wrap-Up

I'm looking forward to the short break that I'm going to take from working out after I finish the 90th day. After the break, I plan to do another 90-day training period completely made of up P90X workouts. The plan is to keep going until I get myself totally "tight and right." I'm much closer to where I want to be than when I started, but there's still work to do. Like I've said before, I'm in this for the long haul. I press on!

Looking back, I think the most important thing for me about the past 88 days is that I've broken the back of my previous eating habits. The "thrill is gone" when it comes eating poorly. I'm settling into a regimen of eating raw food before dinner. It's strange. I didn't realize how addicted I am to cooked food before I started doing this. I'm considering doing an all-raw detox at some point.

I've also made progress on some other "wildest dreams" fronts that I haven't been talking about as much. I decided to make a point of sprinkling more vacation days throughout the year to give myself more frequent 3-day weekends. Today is one such vacation day, and it feels good! I'm transitioning to making more of a conscious effort to spend more time on what I want, and much less time on what I don't want. The same with my mental energy.

What's going on with you? How are your Wildest Dreams (of any type, not just fitness/health related) coming along?



Greetings Khadija!

I am so thrilled about this news!

I have a looooong way to go before I can claim that I am "tight and right"! *LOL*

Michelle Obama has been working out diligently for more than a decade. I realize that it takes several years to really reach a point of optimal fitness and many people are wanting to be at the same level of fitness as the people who have been training for 10-15 years.

I realize it is a LOOOONG process! And my first step of recovery is to put down this cheese burrito I just bought from Taco Bell.... *loong sigh*

I know that this program has required a lot of self-discipline and determination on your part and I applaud you loudly and cheerfully!!

Go for it!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

MangoButtahQueen said...

I started Vinyasa Yoga today at a newly opened studio in my town.

Because of some previous joint injuries (both ankles, both knees with one requiring surgery and a shoulder rotator cuff tear that finally healed) I have found that I needed to find something physical to do without adding to the damage but would still get me into shape.

This type of yoga is flowing yet provides strength, aerobic and you will definitely break a sweat!

I have been to classes three times this week...and I feel the difference.

I'm still playing chess but...some of my friends are now avoiding playing with me since I have become more consistent with beating them. So now, I have been playing with college students (who have been playing since they were 5-6) and improving my game even more. As a result I get fewer of my own friends to play me.

Oh well....the journey in life is fun anyway!

Hagar's Daughter said...

You are awesome for sticking with your program. I am inspired, truly, motivated to commit to a plan of exercise and wholesome living.

For some things I have to just say "no" and others I must "do the right thing because it is the right thing to do."

May you continue to be strengthen on your journey.

Khadija said...

Hello there, Lisa!

Thank you for your support and encouragement! I truly appreciate it. Yes, this is a LOOOOONG process. LOL! Onward and forward!

Hello there, MangoButtahQueen!

You mentioned, "I started Vinyasa Yoga today at a newly opened studio in my town...This type of yoga is flowing yet provides strength, aerobic and you will definitely break a sweat! I have been to classes three times this week...and I feel the difference."

YES! {raised fist salute}

You said, "I'm still playing chess but...some of my friends are now avoiding playing with me since I have become more consistent with beating them."


You said, "So now, I have been playing with college students (who have been playing since they were 5-6) and improving my game even more."

YES! *Smile*

Hello there, Hagar's Daughter!

Thank you for your support and encouragement! And most of all, THANK YOU for being a good example that I've been trying to follow! {DEEP martial arts bow}

I truly admire and appreciate all that you've done, and the good example that you've set while on the path to total wellness.

Peace, blessings and solidarity.

Enlightened said...

Khadija said:

I decided to make a point of sprinkling more vacation days throughout the year to give myself more frequent 3-day weekends. Today is one such vacation day, and it feels good!

I completely agree with this Khadija. As an entry level professional, my vacation days are not as numerous as people who are more established, but I definitely have taken two or three 3-day weekends in the last few months and it is AMAZING what that extra day can do for you. I will try and save at least 5 days for a "real" vacation, but the rest of the days I have will go towards some three day weekends!

And to go even further, I plan to do most of them BY MYSELF. I just returned from a three-day weekend trip (personal business to handle in another city) and I REALLY enjoyed myself! I treated myself to a room at the Courtyard Marriott; although they aren't five star, they have the best beds I have ever slept in, hands down. It felt so good to treat myself and not worry about entertaining other folks or being dragged out to do stuff I don't feel like doing. My only regret is that I forgot my bathing suit!

High five to you!

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

Congrats on your plan to become Flawless. It has certainly been an inspiration to us all. I joined a gym this week. I'm starting out slow because this will need to be a permanent change of consistency, but I have gone 3x this week. I'm going in later today as well. I'm sore but I actually noticed the difference in my energy level immediately. I'm feeling really tired as I type this which just indicates that I need to go back. So again, thanks for sharing.

Khadija said...

Hello there, Enlightened!

You said, "...I definitely have taken two or three 3-day weekends in the last few months and it is AMAZING what that extra day can do for you."

Yes, it is amazing. Especially considering how so many of us use up our weekends with administrative stuff like laundry. I'm trying to get better about doing these sorts of tasks on week nights.

Thanks for the high-five; and a high-five back at 'cha!

Hello there, Faith!

Thank you for your support and encouragement! I truly appreciate it.

You said, "I joined a gym this week. I'm starting out slow because this will need to be a permanent change of consistency, but I have gone 3x this week. I'm going in later today as well. I'm sore but I actually noticed the difference in my energy level immediately."

You're right, consistency is important. Small positive changes that you maintain are of greater long-term value than sudden, extreme bursts that you don't maintain. Good for you! {raised fist salute}

Peace, blessings and solidarity.

Tracy said...

Congrats to you Khadija!!

You have done an awesome job! (Hands raised in the Rock On sign!)

Enjoy your vacation and please continue to be an inspiration to Black sistahs everywhere! You know you can do it--You did it!! ;)

I have booked my own vacation to Long Beach California - so I am working the arms and legs like crazy!! I wanna go on the beach - and not in a muu muu! As of today, I have lost my 70th pound, I hope to have 80 off by the time I leave!

Ok, one of my wildest dreams came true yesterday! I was shopping in one of my favorite stores and was asked to be a model in a fashion show! It was one of those 'pick out an outfit to model and we will give you so much off if you buy it' deals, but I still jumped at the chance. I picked out an elegant black pantsuit and a glittery top - something that a year ago I wouldn't have even looked at. And honey, when I walked out, I stomped like Tyra!

After the show, we had to walk around the store for a bit to show off the outfits for customers. More than one customer pulled me aside and told me that I was the best looking one there!

This dream is a little trivial, but I am still on cloud nine!

Peace to you, and may your dreams, big and small come true...

Khadija said...

Hello there, Tracy!

Thank you for your support and encouragement! I truly appreciate it.

You mentioned, "I have booked my own vacation to Long Beach California - so I am working the arms and legs like crazy!! I wanna go on the beach - and not in a muu muu! As of today, I have lost my 70th pound, I hope to have 80 off by the time I leave!"

{DEEP martial arts bow}

You said, "Ok, one of my wildest dreams came true yesterday! I was shopping in one of my favorite stores and was asked to be a model in a fashion show! It was one of those 'pick out an outfit to model and we will give you so much off if you buy it' deals, but I still jumped at the chance...

...After the show, we had to walk around the store for a bit to show off the outfits for customers. More than one customer pulled me aside and told me that I was the best looking one there!"

That's right! They better recognize! And they did! {raised fist salute}

You said, "This dream is a little trivial, but I am still on cloud nine!"

There's nothing "trivial" about that. You're the bomb! You've worked very hard for your accomplishments. You DESERVE your "props"!

Peace, blessings, and may your wildest dreams continue to come true,


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Khadija!

You made it to the end! Now I am sure that your next fitness phase will be ten times easier.

@ Tracy

"Ok, one of my wildest dreams came true yesterday! I was shopping in one of my favorite stores and was asked to be a model in a fashion show!"

Tracy that sounds like an awesome, fabulous experience! I am sure that was a huge boost. I wish you mad support with your goals for your vacation.

I have been researching and tentatively outlined a process that may work (studying food combinations) that I can incorporate over time. I have been dancing about once-twice a week for about 1-2 hours. I have also been working more internally and emotionally which is hard.

Khadija said...

Hello there, Aphrodite!

Thank you for your support and encouragement! I truly appreciate it. Onward and forward!

Peace, blessings and solidarity.